
General terms are available that encompass commonly used terms for patients newly diagnosed. ulnar nerve

General Terms

motor neurone disease

Motor neurone disease (motor neuron disease in North America) is a group of disorders in which motor nerve cells in the spinal cord and brain stem deteriorate and eventually die. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is the most common form of motor neurone disease.

white matter

Nerve tissue that is paler in color than gray matter because it contains nerve fibers with large amounts of insulating material (myelin). The white matter does not contain nerve cells. In the brain, the white matter lies within the gray layer of the cerebral cortex.


Any substance, bearing antigens on its surface, that causes activation of an animal’s immune system without causing actual disease. The animal's immune system components (e.g. antibodies) are then prepared to quickly vanquish those particular pathogens when they later enter the body.

upper motor neurons

Nerve cells (motor neurons) originating in the brain's motor cortex and running through the spinal cord.


A rhythmical shaking of a limb, head, mouth, tongue or other part of the body that is involuntary in nature.


Medical or surgical management of a patient. Any specific procedure used for the cure of or the amelioration of a disease or pathological condition.


An organism whose sperm or egg contain genetic material originally derived from an organism other than the parents or in addition to the parental genetic material.


A poisonous substance of animal or plant origin.


Division of medical and biological science concerned with drugs. Scientists study their chemistry and pharmacological actions, and establish antidotes and treatment of toxic manifestations, prevention of poisoning, and methods for controlling exposure to harmful substances.


The extent, quality or degree of being poisonous.
