Hearts for Hospice

Details about this Hospice: 

Hearts for Hospice is a US-based hospice and palliative care organization located in Davis, UT.

The philosophy of Hearts for Hospice is to provide the terminally ill patient and his or her family and friends supportive and loving care, in tranquil surroundings, and the wherewithal to live fully and comfortably for as long as possible. The patient is then permitted to die naturally and with dignity when the time comes.Hospice Care seeks to alleviate emotional and spiritual pain, and to control the accompanying symptoms. While it may be futile to pursue aggressive treatments or surgery, Hospice can provide attention, friendship, care and love.With appropriate intervention and utilization of the multitude of resources that are available for palliation and pain control, the last months, weeks and days of an individual’s life can have quality, and provide loved ones with lasting memories of special moments.We respect the patient’s right to be furnished with complete and current information regarding his or her medical condition. This includes, but is not limited to the prognosis and the planned course of palliative treatment, as well as any significant risks that may be involved. Each and every patient shall have the right to refuse any and all treatments.The patient and his or her family are assured that the physician or hospice director, social worker, pastoral counselor and nurse are available to discuss any matter of concern to the patient or family.The patient has a right to complete privacy concerning his or her health care program, including all written communication, case histories, consultations, physical examinations and treatments.Hearts for Hospice exists to provide support and caring to persons and their families who are in the final phase of living. Our goal is to enable them to preserve their human dignity and enrich the quality of their quality of life. Support for the family and/or friends continue after the death of the patient for as long as necessary.

If you have information to add to this hospice listing please contact us or comment below.

Services Offered: 

A complete outline of services offered by Hearts for Hospice in the service area of Davis, UT is available by calling the hospice directly 801-772-0243.

Hospice Services Offered

  • Continuous care
  • Grief support center
  • Home hospice
  • Inpatient hospice
  • Medicaid Certified
  • Medicare Certified
  • Provides care in assisted living center(s)
  • Provides care in hospital(s)
  • Provides care in nursing home(s)
  • Provides children's hospice care
  • Residential hospice
  • Respite care

Hospice Certifications

  • Hearts for Hospice has partnered with Pinnacle Consulting to enhance our program and to give monthly feedback and comparisons regarding the satisfaction levels of our customers. Through actual interviews
  • Pinnacle charts our monthly averages in each of the 15 key indicator areas. These results are also displayed with our year to date averages
  • Pinnacle provides Hearts for hospice the opinions that our patients and their families see as our strengths and our weaknesses. We then process this information from your patients and their families into statistical representations of their opinions
  • thus demonstrating improvements or regressions made in each of these areas.Monthly Averages Monthly Trends Year to Date Averages Industry Averages and Comparisons Company Averages and Comparisons Best in Class Levels and Comparisons These comparisons give you the statistical data needed to identify areas needing improvement and the capability to measure their specific outcomes
  • which visually display the trends and patterns of our care.After compiling Hearts for hospice interview results
Contact Phone: 
Hospice Address: 
5300 Adams Ave. # 16
Davis, UT 84405
United States