brain cleaner

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Mar 16, 2008
has any one heard about the research which has been nicknamed "brain cleaner".
This work is aiming to create conditions in the body that would cause “Pyruvate”
to act as a “Glutamate scavenger”, i.e. Something that our body dose anyway but on a very small scale.
Soundss hokey to me and in answer to your question it hasn't been published by any ALSA publication's I've read. Anybody else read anything?
I don't know but I could use a brain cleaner, LOL. Some days my head is so full of information I cannot retrieve my own zip code! :-D
Oh, and a house cleaner, too, of course!
Hi All

sorry I am a bit slow in learning to work the posting process on this site Plus I am in different time zone here in Australia.

Glad to see your sense of humor is in reasonable shape.

Most of the people on this forum are either on Lithium and or Ralutek, so its safe to say that it is clear that we all mostly agree that GLUTAMATE plays a big Villain role in ALS and other neurological damage.
I wonder if any one of you tried to GOOGLE the words “Brain cleaner”.
Yes it is as simple as that. ALL THE INFO is there on very reputable sites.

I also was disappointed, but not surprised that I did not see it anywhere
on any ALS public arenas.

It’s fantastic peice of research and as things go unless we do something ( for ourselves) to give this work some more public attention, we will be the people who will miss out.

Hey guys

The study is published in a peer-reviewed journal. Here is the citation:

Zlotnik et al. Brain neuroprotection by scavenging blood glutamate. Experimental Neurology. 203(1): 213 - 220, 2007.

I read it and the science is pretty good, so it is legitimate. The studies were done in rats and they're hoping for clinical trials soon.

Basically what they have done is activate an enzyme that "mops-up" glutamate in the blood, which then causes the up-reglation of a protein in our blood vessels that removes glutamate from the brain. The approach is indirect, but it manages to scavenge excess glutamate from the brains of rats.

There is A LOT of research going on out there . . . more in the last decade than in the previous 100 years. There are actually two scientific journals devoted exclusively to ALS. We need more public attention, though, to get the NIH and NSF to fund more of the research. That is where we come into the picture. Each day that passes is a day that gets us closer to a cure.
We all know very well that drugs like Relutek / Riluzole are designed to help us by temporarily blocking the glutamate's toxic action with the drugs inside the brain. In contrast, “Brain cleaner” = “Glutamate scavenger” is intended to clear the chemical away from the brain back and through the blood, where it can't do harm anymore."
Anyone reading all the info that is available on the internet regarding on the “Brain cleaner” = “Glutamate scavenger” you could be made to feel very confident with its forthcoming realization into our arsenal in our fight against ALS and other neurological damage. This is because it is reported that “This method may soon be entering clinical Human” Sounds great !
In reading the news flashes on the net one would also read that “The US FDA has assured the company of a fast track to approval”. This is true and sounds real and great – some real hope for us all, right?

Please be aware that unless we all the PALS community act in our own interest, research like this one will never see the light of day, despite its potential and the great promise that it shows.

Unfortunately, once again politics and probably more so profits$$$$ ( or lack of) are standing in the way of this work progressing further.

Let me explain, It turns out that the glutamate scavenging patented technology is so brilliant, that it uses a simple and cheap ingredient that is and readily available over the counter.
So you may ask, what’s the problem?

It follows that the human trails may show that because the ingredient ( if I can call it this) is so cheap that it may not return mega profits in the usual manner as may be generally expected in by BIG PHARMA, and Big Pharma will not invest at this time.

So as it stands now the researchers are stuck waiting for funds to support the first human trail. A simple and harmless trial with big promise.

Can any one think of a better place then this for the ALS association to direct extra attention which will allow some flow of funds?

Al, you have accumulated so much knowledge and experience in this arena, please give me your opinion in regard to what power of influence our community and association may have to aid what seems to be something so promising.
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