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Jan 12, 2012
Learn about ALS
I am concerned about some of my ongoing health issues, greatly appreciate any and all advice.

I am a 36 year old male in general good health, average weight, and into sports, but with some concerning symptoms:
About 7 months ago I threw out my back, and it was the worse back pain I have ever experienced. It did not go away on its own like previous back pain but stayed around until I got muscle relaxers. The muscles on the right side of my back had become inflamed and very sore. Shortly, about 2 weeks to a month, after that my lymph nodes on my neck, arms, and throat became sore. Not very swollen but just sore. I went to my GP and he could not find anything wrong and told me to wait it out and that it probably was just a minor virus. I waited another month and went back in, this time they ran extensive blood work and again found nothing. I asked to be referred to an oncologist who ran more tests and CT scans but again found nothing. Suddenly my back pain came back but now muscle relaxers did not have any effect. I also noticed mild twitching in my arms, hands, and stomach, but thought nothing of it because its happened to me before. After about a month I woke up one morning and my lymph nodes on my neck were completely numb, at first I was concerned but then figured that maybe whatever virus I had was just running its course. I also began to feel very fatigued with general muscle weakness and easily tired so I stopped playing soccer completely. Slowly I noticed muscle loss in my buttocks because my underwear started not to fit the same, but my weight has remained constant. This concerned me a bit but I though, it could be because I was not playing sports and I'm getting a bit older, so I left it at that. During this time my blood pressure has also gone up, not super high but higher than my normal. I now run at around 130-140 over 90/100, again not a huge concern over the short time and it could be attributed to general anxiety about my un-diagnosed illness. Also I have a lot of pressure behind my eyes and at the base of my skull. I thought: ok, I am anxious and have a mystery illness but its not getting worse and you could attribute my symptoms to anxiety. So at this point about but then my symptoms worsened. About 2 weeks ago I woke up and the left side of my face was numb, from my jawline to my forehead. I went to the ER and they did a CT Scan of my brain and neck but found nothing so they referred me to a neurologist. The neuro ordered "the book" of blood tests and a brain/spinal MRI. The MRI was normal except for the beginning of DDD and some disk compression in the area were I experience my pain, no signs of MS. All bloodwork came back clean, except for Vitamin D deficiency and a little high glucose, but according to the doctor the sugar is not high enough for alarm. He did however put me on 3000 IU of Vitamin D3. Since then my numbness has spread to my legs, arms, my hands (ring and small finger specially), and my facial numbness is now in my lips, tongue, and throat. With the strongest symptoms at night and when I first wake up or when I am stressed. The increasing muscle weakness and numbness is causing me an increase in anxiety and I am due to see a doctor for that. I did have acupuncture and a massage and felt almost completely normal afterwards but slowly the symptoms returned. The neurologist thinks the next step is a spinal tap but at this point he advised against it and wants to see if I improve on my own. At this point he does not think its MS or ALS but I am still very concerned and confused about what this could be.
Any comments or advice would be greatly appreciated.
Your discription of symptoms sound nothing what so ever like ALS thank God. I hope you get it figured out soon! Good luck!
If your Dr does not suspect that you have MS or ALS why do you? When newbies come and post under the "Do I" I look for something that says to me "oh I see why they are concerned" and then I just advise them to see Neurologist and allow them to determine what is wrong and if it is ALS. I did not read one thing in your story that was an "A ha" moment for me as to what brought you here. Good luck and listen to your Dr's they sound they know what they are doing. I am sorry that your underwear does not fit right anymore. (sorry I couldn't resist! :) )
None of these symptoms fit ALS. Listen to the Dr's and take a good deep breath
I really appreciate your comments. Thank you for taking the time to respond and I am not quite sure why I turned to ALS if my doctors are not leaning towards that.. I guess after 7 months of anxiety I am quite scared and not sure of where to turn. I have now been placed on Lorazepam and Citalopram to get me calmed down. My GP thinks most of my symptoms can be attributed to anxiety. Again I appreciate your time and thoughts.

Thank you very much
I am glad that you recognize that it is anxiety. Please do not take this the wrong way but I suggest you do not hang around here, you will only add to your anxiety. Good luck to you.
I understand. Thank you

"...Worry is useless. God is merciful and will hear your prayer."
I did not read one thing in your story that was an "A ha" moment for me as to what brought you here.

It's buried deep within that massive wall of text, but he does say that he has had some twitching episodes. Right after his back pain came back. In his arms, hands, and abdomen. But he didn't think much about them because he'd had them before.

It's almost always the twitching that brings them here. Especially if they can add "fatigue" or loss of stamina (mischaracterized as "weakness") to the party.

tico1975, Dr. G--gle is a terrible doctor. Stick to the flesh-and-blood doctors. You don't have symptoms of ALS, so you can stop bringing it up with every doctor you see. All you are doing by bringing up ALS is making them think that you are crazy.
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