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Phil M

Senior member
Dec 28, 2008
Everytime I take antibiotics for something, I feel better, and stronger. Anybody else experience this?
My husband has not(Knock on wood) had to take any antibiotics, but Ceftriaxone is an antibiotic, and they are doing research trials with this. Interesting. Do you feel better right away, or a few days into taking it? And what kind? HUGS Lori
Pretty quick, I took Leviquin, and something else. I was walking good, and now that its gone, I am "drunk" walking again!
Phil...we have been on the antibiotic roller coaster for 3 years. Andrew started his treatment with IV rocefin when he was diagnosed with Lyme Disease. He continues to go on and off antibiotics. Just last month he decided to totally go off antibiotics to see how he would feel. Ironically, his lung capacity took the biggest drop as of yet. Went from 42% to 30%. Is this a coincedent (sp) ......not sure..........makes me wonder.
I swear its not my imagination! I just emailed my Neuro's assistant, and told her about it. I'm curious what she has to say. She will probably think I am nuts! lol! I might be crazy! but I am not nuts! lol!
Every time we mention it to our ALS clinic..they do think we are nuts. So honestly, we do not even tell them anymore. Right now my hubby is taking apple cider vinegar..which acts as a natural antibiotic. Will see what happens. The cider vinegar also helps loosen mucus. Oh the joys!
Explanation is simple; I don't think AB improve ALS, but they do clear up secretions and reduce inflammation of airways, which open up passages for improved breathing, clearer talking and at that time a potential increase in FVC, but not in MIP.
I am in the ceftriaxone trial almost 8 months now. What I notice is that is slows progression, my rt arm was horrible when I started in Novemeber and it continues to improve in range of motion and almost zero pain now. I have spoken to people who think als may be bacterial since it seems to be repairing my arm.
Judy, how long have u been on ceftriaxone? Where is the trial? How interesting...thanks, Linda
The contact for your area is:
Elizabeth Whitethorn
Study Coordinator
University of Colorado Health Sciences Center
Aurora, CO
United States
Phone: 303-724-2186
Hi Judy,
I'm so glad to hear about your improvement with rt. arm. How about the weakness in rt arm? has that improved as well? thank you.
What I experienced was my walking got a "lot" better. I could go up, and down stairs a lot easier, and did not need the hand rail. I usually move like a drunk slug on the stairs. I definitely felt more physical strength. Did not help my bulbar symptoms much as far as I can tell. I noticed it more when I stopped taking them.
In November I could only move my rt hand to my hip not to behind my back like I normally could. My rt shoulder would not rotate any movement caused extreme pain in shoulder and upper arm. Many sleepless nights, I had pt in my home 2x a week, it was painful but got things moving so the pain was not so intense. Pt was d/c after 2 months they felt I would not make any futher progress. Well they were so wrong I can now put my arm behind my back at waist level and cross my wrists with my left hand. Reaching up wards and side ward is so easy now I would guess my rt arm is 80% at least. As for my ritht hand is was pretty much crapping all the time no strength, no ability to light a lighter, button buttons and zip a zipper. I can do all of that now, minimal cramping, still feels stiff at times but it works.

Does nothing about my bulbar either nor my left footdrop. I wish I had started sooner and prevented a lot of the problems I have. I truly think that this trial will show positive results.
I am so glad to hear that the ceftriaxone seems to be DOING something!

I find this all very interesting. I noticed a big difference last year when Mom was on and off of the AB. Doctors thought I was crazy too and discouraged long term use of them. Now I think that I may have been on to something.
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