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Sep 6, 2012
San Francisco
I am a 46-year-old male. I wake up each day and feel perfect. There are no problems no symptoms no signs. I go to the gym and climb 200 flights of stairs on the stair climber. There is no problem or weakness. However toward the end of today I feel numbness tingling pins and needles in my right foot and leg. Once I stand up and move around it feels a little better. Lately I've experienced some minor weakness towards the end of the day in that same leg. My chiropractor tells me that it is because of my herniated disc. But once again I go to bed and wake up and Ceola hundred percent no problems or signs. At the end of the day my leg does get a little weak pins and needles numbness and some minor cramping. My question is do symptoms of ALS come and go.
Re: Do Al's symtoms come and go

Make sure you are drinking enough water while you are exercising. You might be getting dehydrated and that might cause the cramping. Iam not a doctor but I doubt your symptoms are in any way related to ALS. I don't believe the symptoms with it come and go. But, I do know my dad's speech is worse when he is tired. Good luck to you.
Re: Do Al's symtoms come and go

No they do not. Once a weakness starts, it doesn't stop ever, until it is completely paralyzed.
Re: Do Al's symtoms come and go

Hugs to you as well. This is so weird.
Re: Do Al's symtoms come and go

Symptoms do not come and go, nor are they sensory. Listen to your chiro. If you won't do that, go to a neuro.
Re: Do Al's symtoms come and go

Can I just ask, what exactly led you to this site to ask questions?
Re: Do Al's symtoms come and go

:?: going to the gym, you climb 200 stairs, it's not ALS! :!:

Symptoms do not come and go :!:
Re: Do Al's symtoms come and go

Why are you here?
Re: Do Al's symtoms come and go

Wake up each morning feeling perfect. No signs or symptoms. ? Really. No als person I know feels like this
Nikolab. Not only 200 stairs. 200 FLIGHTS of stairs........ that's, like, to the moon and back. Numbness & herniated disc? No wonder.
Sounds like one of those people who sit for half an hour in a traffic jam to go and pedal a stationary bike.
Sorry, I'll put myself on the naughty step now shall I?
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Sorry, I'll put myself on the naughty step now shall I?

Don't bother, save your energy, someone will be along shortly to do it for you I reckon. Oh gosh..... sarcasm.....scoot over and make some room for me on the seat as well please.
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You need to go and get your herniated disc looked at by a competent doctor. It can cause exactly the symptoms you are describing, especially being better in the morning. When you get upright you are probably trapping the nerves.

Get it seen to, as you could be doing damage with all your exercise. Don't get a chiropractor to fiddle with a damaged back, they can cause it to worsen.

As the others have said, you definitely do not have a serious illness, just a sore back, which is treatable.
Ahhhh, uhhhmmm. Dumbass!

200 flights? Seriously?
Now I love Casey.
So the poster came to the wrong forum. So the questions seem stupid. So the poster made a mistake with his post saying flights of stairs instead of just stairs.........

Calling a person a dumbass is just plain horrible. What the heck is happening to this forum?
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