Come for tea

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Helen you are doing great with dragon! Glad to see the table full I think we need some sweets to go with the tea. I saw gentleman jim slipping in, hope life's treating you well. love hearing about everyone
Well I don't have pets but have two tots full of sillies. Had a super huge headache today. Needed to stay in bed. Of course, the pair of them hop up. One sits on my kneecaps and wiggles so much that I could feel my kneecaps grinding side to side and up and down. At the same time, the other kiddie tries to pry the ipad from my very weak grip. As we wrestled, my glasses got smudged up, my kneecaps felt like they were going to pop, my head was pounding like crazy and it was impossible for me to form the word "stop". Though I was going to loose it *:) Hope you guys had a good day!
How about that storm, vicky, did you get it? I sort of hope so, after all the planning. Personally, you can have my part of all that snow and ice. We get just enough down here to keep the skeeters quiet in the winter, but they make up for it in the summer. I hope you get some camping in this spring/summer/fall, and catch a bunch of fish, o matter what kind they are!

How'd you know I had a sweet tooth, marypat? That dragon thing sounds interesting, hope we don't need it for a while yet.

That's funny, cricket.....what would you do without 'em?

Gotta go.

Hang tough, y'all,

The storm is still coming, should hit by mid morning. It is just south of us. After the last ice storm I kind of go over board in the preparation, but better safe than sorry.

My husband is a mental health counselor at a youth residental treatment facility and uses dragon for dictation. He likes it now at first not so much. It takes alittle getting used to.

We have camping reservations for june at our favorite lake. We have been going there to camp at least once a year for close to 15 years. We have gone camping all our married life. Our boys love it, even took my oldest sons family with us once, had a great time with our oldest granddaughter who was 2 at the time. Great memories.

What should we bake Mary Pat? I like anything sweet, cookies, brownies, cake or pie you pick.
Went to mod...wonder what word did it this time. Stay tuned.
Storm is here and in less than an hour everything is covered in sleet! Still coming down. Some are reporting thunder and lightening too.
vicki, i'll take anything made orange scones last nite yummo! we made our yearly camping reservations for indian lake in july. not sure how it will work since i'm in pwc most of the time now. but my hubby is creative so wwe will see. it's a huge full out wiki wiki family camp out, tons of toys, people and fun. hope the storm moved on now. steve if you want to try out a dragon-like program windows7 has voice recognition built in under accessories,ease of access
Scones sound great but the last time I tried to make them they could be used for dry bricks. I guess I am to heavy handed during the mixing. I think a blueberry muffin sounds great. No we are getting thunder sleet now! Hugs.
I live in a small town in Central Illinois and we are supposed to be getting sleet around 3 or 4 this afternoon. I'm kind of nervous because I have been spoiled my whole life and don't have much experience driving in bad weathe. My dad used to always drive me around when the weather was bad. Which is not going to happen now. Thankfully, I live really close to work. But, I have a intense fear of ice and am always afraid of falling on it. Our parking lots get extremely slick. Be careful everyone. Kim
I live in central missouri and we are getting hammered now. Thunder and lightening too. Just take it slow but not too slow, leavve plenty of room in front of you. Don't slam on the brakes. Steer into a skid if you start to slid. Be really careful. I am sending prayers your way. Hugs
Skipper, don't know what you're driving, but it helps to weigh down the back of your vehicle. Play sand or several bags of kitty litter worked for me in NY. Stay safe!
We got about 1 to 1 1\2 inch of sleet with alittle ice thrown in. Things are very frozen solid. the power did not go out though. YEEEEEEAAAA!
Hopefully on saturday most of it should melt. I am so ready for spring, flowers, baby birds, grass and lots of color. Warm sunshine. Mmm can't wait.
I guess I will go make some hot chocolate.
Hey guys and gals, just a quickie. Been reading you an Al's Sandbox thread, vicki, those are some great tunes. You can't go wrong with good music. I am glad y'all like that winter weather, you can have my part, I hate it. Nice evening fires are fine, but I had rather not need 'em. I guess, if you're gonna be snow bound and have some tea, make it hot!

Hang tough,

Stay safe on that ice folks!

Vickie, pets become members of our family don 't they?

On my kindle tonight, so keeping it brief... but did I hear someone mention orange scones? :)
Hey vicki, I heard a little bit about that storm last night on TV. Did I hear correctly that there was thunder and lightning in it?!? Isn't that unusual for a snow/ice storm? Anyway, glad your power didn't go out.

Humm, scones and hot chocolate.......yeah!

Hang tough,

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