Whine and Cheese

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And I forgot to add...once again Allen, the patience of a saint! If I had half as much I'd be a much happier camper.
Yes that is it. Forget who started that one!
Hmmm..I missed that discussion. I've been in on many pee and poo exchanges though!
Hey ladies and m speeciall allen,

My first man to come for a little whine. But alas, he pajrtook of the cheese
And I wouldn't j call it that it would be pi$$ and $ # i + but ea used that in tjeir early stages I think we hhave mattured sincel ttenj

Sorry fojr typos tihe phone has beeen repllaced twice second and third were worse so waiting to get new one activated. Ipad has a mind or vocabulary all itts own.

Double ds was for someones bob size can't remember whicjh one. But we can use my sisrlter but now since she only has onje I don't think she really is that double d. An she told her husband when she has her other ne remjved she was going outside with no shirt on. Her husband says she can't. Ithink she can. Any thoughts.

Jujsst to put out thre, I want everyone to know jjust like tejja this theaad can't be hijacked by one person. We won't let them. I understand some people like the ME but this and tta are the WE. Apy an correct me if I am wrong on her end.

So my whine for today,, pass the big bread bowl of spinach dip, is I have asked for a month otlr more to move my bed and two pieces ofjfj furniture so I caan jsee out the winddowjs and again I am sitting here not moveed. So I opened my mouthbl and made a scene. I don't care anymorem does anybody know how fast th stupid teajrs come and you can't even hidje it. If I didn't have tjo complete what ipromised to someone, I think those railroad tracks ae quite inviting.

Something so simple ten minutes. Now I know I'm not even worth ten frijcking minutes. And now I'm sorry he snot is runnij dowjn my ajrm.
Dorothy, I sure wish you were here where I could help!
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The original DD reference was from HelenL, as shorthand for Dunkin' Donuts. A certain Kiwi hijacked the term, which drew several men in from lurking. Look in the original Come for Tea thread, round about the autumnal equinox.
Well to h e l l anyway, I'm not sure we are back just yet! Toto don't apologise for the typo's they make it more interesting. lol 10 minutes of moving furniture to give you a view that would give hours of pleasure, that is a whine worth posting about. I'd move the bed for you if I was there, somehow, probably involve the use of a rope and a car but move she would! I TOTALLY understand about the tears and hiding it so ball away baby ball away if that is what it take to motivate people ,so fricking be it. Forget the rail road tracks! Too easy, you are made of better stuff than that! (not that I have't considered them myself mind you but just in passing)
Firstly the dd's are mine ( were, I shrunk) and it referred to Dana. Long ago, trust Allen to remember :).

And sweet Toto. I feel like putting my fist through the wall on your behalf. Grrrrrr, I once put my foot through a door when I was annoyed at one of my daughters, ouch it hurt. Took Hubby ages to fill it in. The hole was enormous. Sadly same daughter angered me a year later and I slammed the door..........all the plaster fell out again :).
Dry your eyes and your snot from your arm, or you may wash away. Darn I wish I could come help move you. Darn, international immigration laws. I would move you here in a flash, if you lived in NZ. Free care and all. Sigh.

Oh Allen, you were right, you posted while I was writing. Must have been kiwi Sally? Oh I already confessed........at least I got some hunky men on this part of the forum.
Sally, you sound very Kiwi indeed.
I've been here 15 years, a bit rubbed off. I can turn it on and off if I think about it but don't often bother.
Aly would you have know about Dunkin Donuts? We just got proper bagels in Wellington about 8 years go. $25 a bakers. Last week I asked my friend in NC, (Ina is her name btw, lol) how much they were there, $8! That got me upset. NC for goodness sake! Flour and water.....had to look up and make sure I was in Whine and cheese before I hit the submit button.
Ah yes, DD = Dunkin Donuts, which promptly segued into bra sizes, and Dana said those are her initials....so of course we tease her about that! :)

Dorothy, wish I could send in the troops and get you all situated properly! At least Di sounds likes things are better thank goodness!
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