House guest from Hell ...

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Distinguished member
Apr 30, 2011
Lost a loved one
I have a house guest from hell. He felt that he could help me move and that was really nice. BUT... He brought no money to support himself while he is here. He does not respect my rules in MY home. He makes a freaking mess with everything he does. He cooks but when he does he refuses to clean up his mess. I have asked him so many times not to do something but yet he does it right in my face. He has eaten up a months worth of food in 3 days. He gets up in the middle of the night and eats. I have put things in the fridge and told him, do not eat (what ever), i will be useing it for lunch.. or what have you. When i get up.. and look for it, yep its GONE. He called his mother to send him some money, and she sent him 200 and he blew it all on lottery tickets. He smokes my pack of ciggs, he eats food right off my plate and to top it all off, he yells at me that I m being rude when i have had enough and throw a fit. I got so tired of this I booked him a flight to get the hell out of my house. He leaves on the 9th. It can not come fast enough. Sorry just had to vent. GRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrr! Watch what sounds like a good idea and just do it yourself.
Oh my! Glad you took the bull by the horns and booked him a flight back home. It is so important to take care of yourself. Be safe!
Best wishes
Why do you need to wait for the 9th? Can't you ask him to leave now? I would. Sheesh, what a nightmare!
Wow, Pandora, what a nightmare. I'd say one night and one dinner would have been thanks enough. You're a saint to give him until the 9th.
He would have been on a Greyhound bus the day he arrived with that behavior.
Is he still helping you move?!

Sorry...sounds horrible. Glad you took initiative to get him out, doubt he would leave on his own! Till then...lock up your food in a cabinet or put it in your underwear drawer...those are the wonderful tips I got when I had people eating my cookies!

Good luck!
Change the lock. Easy fix.
Call the police, he is trespassing!...Harsh you bet, if he doesn't listen and doesnt leave, he is trasspassing. Good lesson in there for him. Tough love.
Pandora, everyone has given you good ideas, I just have to ask (and by all means feel free to just ignore my question if you would prefer!) but who is "he"? Is there some reason you are reluctant to kick him to the curb? Surely it's not out of any misguided respect for him, he is showing you none what so ever.
Put it in writing that he needs to leave. Keep one copy for yourself, give one to him. Then if there are future "issues" you can contact the police and have him removed. You will also have something in writing should there be any issues of damage, etc down the road.
Hey Pandora;
What a great title to the thread! Who the heck is that clown!? Must be a relative? LOL
Are you good with a baseball bat?
Airlines need a special "get rid of a jackass" rate.
*** LIKE *** 10 steps post!
Great idea 10 but they would all go out of business the first week.
10steps, "must be a relative?". LMAO!
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