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Mar 30, 2011
I was wondering what to expect my body to do next, I have a hard time eating, and slurred speech and no problem swallowing. I have a appointment with a Doctor in Portland, Oregon to get another EG done, is a second opinion. What can I expect the doc to tell me.:-?
From my experience, swallowing problems will follow the slurred speech. You say that you have trouble eating, is that because of difficulty moving food around with your tongue so you can chew it? My advice is to get a PEG tube as soon as you start to lose weight, don't put it off because maintaining your weight is the most important thing you can do and regaining weight lost is very difficult.
Always hard to say what will happen next. If your voice is slurred you may find that continues to weaken. Certain sounds may become more difficult to articulate. On the eating front some foods will probably already be more difficult than others. A lot can be done by careful choosing & preparing of food but as Barry says eventually a peg tube, if you choose it, is the next step to keep weight maintained and also for hydration.

I hope you find a doctor you trust & who helps you wrap your head round the changes happening in your body. Second opinion sounds a good idea. We used to find it helpful to write down our questions before we got to the doctors. That way we weren't as thrown when we got in there. Good luck
Hello again. Just saw your question here now, but I'd already responded to it on your visitor page. Hope the info helps. Good luck with the doctor in Portland.
thank you I read about the PEg tube online, right now I can eat everything, just tiny bites. Have a good day!
I was told by Duke Univ to have my PEG in Jan.2011 and I said no,because my health was good and I was eating all the time.Had my PEG put in 4/26/11 and I need it now,I am surprised I needed it,we all progress at different rates.The tube helps a lot and makes meals very simple,I use Isosure 1.5 and am happy with it.
I can still enjoy soft foods, but liquids are difficult. I decided to go ahead and get the peg sooner rather than later. Hydration and nutrition are, for now, the best treatment there is. I've actually gained a few pounds with all the pasta and ice-cream. Vanity seems to disappear when you're fighting for your life.
Ed has recently had his peg surgery and all went well.
Seems as though suddenly we are at this stage and we have no idea what to expect from here on in....extra nutrition has to be an advantage of course....see how we go....Anastasia.
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