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  • Hi Val, I guess so that is why they suggested the pump for me. I have been on 75 for about 18 months. I occasionally miss my noon dose and i dont notice much difference to me in the afternoon so i guess that they are not doing a great deal for me. I havent missed 2 or more in a row which would be a good test to see how effective it is
    Hi Val. For me the trail worked well and i am in the process of having one fitted. It just takes so long here to do any thing. i suspect mine will happen in early August as the main man is on leave, sigh.

    I hope if you go ahead with it you have some good results. I certainly suprised the people here when i did my trial with it.
    Are you mch Baclofen at the moment ? I am on 75 mg per day.

    If you are on PLM there are a few there that have it fitted with good results. I think though one had some trouble with it as well so its not full proof.

    Hi, Val, I hope you are having a good day? Is your appointment soon? I hope all goes real good for you....I am so tired . I just feel like I want to sleep for a week... Tomorrow I am taking a day off. Might stay in bed all day.......I don't know what to think about the forum the last little while ? I am taking a break from it for a while.... No one knows what happened except Jeff and the moderators ..I can't even guess.. You take care, hugs, Linda
    Oh, I didn't know that...might be worth looking her up. She is so helpful and a very caring lady...hugs to you , Linda
    Hi Val, I thought I would let you know that my clinic appointment is the end of July.....I think they are not doing clinic much in June because of vacations...let me know how yours goes? I also can't remember if you have met Linda Brennan yet from MDA ? She is a wonderful lady and I just love her... Take care, Linda
    Hello Val,
    Im just saying hello, and thanking you for a comment you left on my page recently. I'm only just beginning to talk to other people in this community that no one chooses to belong to!
    Hi Val,

    Yes... I do live in Colorado Springs. Did your husband go or work at the Academy by any chance? So is he "really" retired as well (not working), or just got his 20+ years in a now moving to the civilian world?
    We got to see the Thunderbirds practicing for the graduation ceremony a few weeks ago... those guys are so cool. We missed out on seeing the actual graduation day festivities because we had a school field trip. But it's pretty common for folks to find an empty field/parking space east of the Academy and just watch the Thunderbirds during the ceremony.
    Linda/Val -

    Thanks for asking.

    My appointment did not go that well. my wife and I were hoping for a miracle that never came. I am showing increased weakness in my left arm (my "good" arm) and legs. He wants me to start on baclofin and start at the MDA clinic in a few months. He said my original diagnosis of MND is correct...I asked MND or ALS? He basically stated they are one and the same, just differing severity. I have an atypical form of ALS, very slowly progressing form of ALS.

    My wife and I are taking it all in and trying to determine what to tell the kids. It really hit hard yesterday when he explained MND=ALS.

    Hi Val, I have been traveling and will get home Sunday night. I need to call and make an appointment..I will let u know soon...hope u are doing good or at least better? Take care, hugs, Linda
    yes. I was diagnosed with monomelic MND; not ALS. Probably semantics as MND/ALS not much difference. Still holding out for a miracle.
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