Any appliances out there for shoulder weakness?

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Distinguished member
Dec 13, 2011
Long Island
Well my weak shoulders are giving out. My right shoulder esp, can't brush hair, trouble eating, holding up the arm. Some motions I can still do like circling my arm to the top of my head or object I need to lift, but straight on and my arm flops down. hands wrist forearms working fine, but atrophy in the forearms.

I can use my arm if my elbow is propped. On a table, no but on the arm of a chair yes. You get the idea. Any tips on improving use?
I just got my AFOs & I asked the guy that made them if he could add on from my knee up when the time comes and he told me he can make something for EVERY body part there is. So you might want to check it out at a prosthectic (dont think I spelled it right) shop.
Finding ways to extend handles of things like brushes helped me for a while, but even given that I am a slow progressor, they only helped a short time.

Losing the use of your hands and arms to ALS absolutely sucks.
There are all kinds of crazy, yet very useful, devices out there. You need to talk to your occupational therapist... they will evaluate you, recommend the devices you need, and get you set up and teach you how to use it. For splints and braces, Cathy is on the right need to see an orthotist. Most OTs and PTs will know of a good prosthetist/orthotist in your area.

~ Sarah
But of course, OT. Thanks for the advice everyone, will talk with PT tomorrow as well.
Kinesio Taping helped my husband for a very short while, when his shoulders started to atrophy. You have to be careful to have them properly taped, so as not to cause any other problems or pain. Don't know if that would help you or not.
I'm in the same boat as you my right arm literally hangs there between my legs while typing with one finger on my left hand, I cannot get my coat on, and it gets harder to daily put my t-shirt or shirt onm my right arm I cannot move up past my hip. I sincerely hope you find something that will help you

You have my admiration for being able to put on your shirt! I get tangled and nearly hang myself getting a shirt on.

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