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Apr 15, 2009
new york
new york
Hi everyone.

I figured this might merit a new thread. I came here a few months ago totally freaked out and experiencing a load of non-specific symptoms. So after calming myself down and re-evaluating, some symptoms have seemed to drop off while others have basically stayed the same. So with this new frame of mind I'm hoping I can get some real answers now and eventually some relief.

The symptoms that have remained are as follows:
hand/forearm fatigue - My hands kinda just feel a bit alien in the morning and throughout the day. I usually get a crampy feeling in my pinky/ring finger and along that side of my palm/forearm. I have been able to deal with it and as far as I can tell it hasn't really been progressive. I do, however, feel clumsier than normal and have been dropping things such as my pda while im walking if i forget its in my hand. (yeah i realize i was probably clumsy like this before).

I still have a pain in my neck - bottm right below the adams apple almost where it reaches the collarbone. The doc had said he thought it was "muscular" (the pain not my neck =P) and that it was stress related. Now although a lot of the aches and pains I have been getting have come and gone and althuogh a lot of them are in the same place over and over, this pain in my neck has been persistent. It gets worse with talking and with singing(also when i sing i found that i need to cough a lot as it elicits a "tickle" on what feels like my vocal chords). Sometimes it aches when i swallow. Also, it gets achey if i make funny faces for dramatic effect in a conversation.

A couple of times, my jaw has felt fatigued - last night for example. My right side of my face, while it doesn't feel as "numb" as it did before, I still look in the mirror and see less movement in that side - almost like i had botox on the right side of my face and a lot of the wrinkles are gone (as compared to the left). - yeah i realize its insane to analyze this but whatever.

Also, I get a lot of exertion/action tremors or whatever they are called. For example, I was laying in bed on my left side with my head turned all the way to the right to see the tv and i noticed after about 5 minutes, that my entire jaw/face was vibrating/trembling. When I relaxed my neck and turned back it went away, but as soon as i tried to exert it, the tremoring came back.

I'm really just worried about the pain in my neck at this point, and the crampy feeling hands. Is the muscular pain in my neck due to weakness? Is it a tongue symptom (it looks scalloped and more smooth on the top than it ever has before)?

So, my strength seems fine. My endurance is still mostly ok except for the shaking I get after too much exertion. I have been able to go back to the gym a bit and I am feeling better in there. My weight has returned to normal. I have been able to sleep throughout the night. I don't get random chills anymore. I havn't had a real panic attack or freaked out and had to leave work in a while so i feel like anything caused or exacerbated by anxiety has hopefully quieted down and now i can see the symptoms that were underneath. I am hoping that they go away over time but i have almost lost hope for the ache in my neck to disappear since it has been there for almost 4 months now.
If it was something wrong with my motor neurons, would I have had some actual clinical weakness by now - like some kinda drop (finger/hand/foot etc) and not just exertion-fatigue and tremoring?

thanks for listening. have a good holiday weekend all!
You are all wonderful people and always in my prayers.


I am wondering if you have been to a Neuro.? That would be the best place to start. That is what they are for. I can understand why people get frightened when they search and the symptoms of ALS pop up. It could be many other things making this happen. That would be my first advice, Is go to A Neurologist.

Lori is correct. I am glad some of the symptoms have died down. Now its time for a neuro to look at the rest.


Perhaps depending on your age some of these symptoms can be hormonal? Check out some hormonal websites and you will find some really crazy symptoms that would scare the bejessus out of you but are merely hormonally driven. Just an alternative thought.
My reason for this is I have been suffering all of your symptoms. They come and they go. Tremors, chills, major anxiety. Track your cycle and see if your symptoms are showing up at specific times of the month. Hormonal symptoms will cycle in and out randomly. One month you'll get a couple, then the next month you will get others. Anxiety will create tremors, shivering and even twitching. Not to minimize following your instincts if you think it is something more than that. You will find many peri/menopausal women going to the Dr. freaking out over new and frightening symptoms (me being one of them) only to find out that although horrific it is just a "normal" transition we women get to make. Not so normal for many of us.
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