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New member
Feb 18, 2009
Learn about ALS
I'm new and I know you guys hear all this time and time again! I'm sorry, but I have to get this off my chest.

About a month and a half ago I started experiencing a heavy feeling on the left side of my face. I could move my mouth, cheeks, eyes, etc.......just the feeling of heaviness. It would go and come . I started worrying about it because I googled it and pointed to a stroke. I'm 33 years old, so I was reluctant, but went to the hospital. I wasn't having a stroke, but they said my left eye and lip was slightly drooping. They did a CT scan, Lung xray, and bloodtest. Everything came out great he said. He felt that it was a slight case of Bell's Palsy and it would correct itself. Well the next day it didn't happen, the next day after that it did. It doesn't last all day. I went to my nuerologist and he said that if it were Bell's it would be a very mild case. He made me do a bunch of things like touch his nose, balance, etc. I felt as if I failed because I was so wobbly when balancing. I mean c'mon, I'm a little over weight and haven't done that since I was a kid. He wanted me to go get an MRI of the brain. Then to see him back in 3 weeks. One of his suspicions was "MS". I had it done and the person performing it said to me "Don't even worry about it because it looked good." So that relieved me, but I started having panic attacks because still my left hands tingle sometimes as well as my foot and leg. It isn't a constant tingle, but it does sometimes. In fact sometimes I feel as if I tingle everywhere. My left leg and arm feel weird. There is no explaining it except almost heavy. My walking hasn't changed. I can lift everything with my left arm as I can with the right arm. I wonder if I sleep on it maybe? I am having twitches, but just a few .......I mean I thought muscle twitcher were normal? I've had spasms all my life and never thought a thing about them until now. A few times I'm chewing bread or chocolate and my tongue feels tired. It feels like I'm going to slur my speech , but I speak normal. I don't know if this is anxiety doing this to me..........I suffer from awful anxiety. I am so scared of this disease. Does any of this seem like als? When speaking of weakness, how weak are we talking? I can balance on each leg, hold my arms up above my arms, do the heal down and up the shin test. When using my left arm, my muscle seems a little more worn out while doing it. But I don't excercise either. I have a one year old whom I can pick up and hold with no problem. Please ease my mind. I won't see (doctor) him for two weeks
It sounds like maybe MG, you get a droopy eye and tired mouth/chewing with that, and it is treatable. bring it up to your doc. good luck but It doesnt sound like your sx should be alarming you at the moment. When I started with my weakness (I dont have als diagnosed) I had trouble with carrying my one year old. So your strength from what you say sounds good.

hang in there untill your appt

peace to you


I have an aquaintence who was diagnosed with MG and she wrote to me after she heard about the Bell's Palsy and said to please get the nuero to check for antibodies of MG. Thanks for your reply.
Hi~no docs on the forum, so no one can say any thing that isn't a guess. I have heard that with 'bell's palsy', one may not be able to raise their eye brows during the event.

Hoping you get your answers, at your doctor appointment.
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