Hoffman's sign

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Active member
Jun 20, 2009
Los Angeles
I have a question for everyone. When the neurologist has tested you for a hoffman's sign, did they flick your finger hard or just use a moderate amount of pressure? I ask this because when I had my hoffman's sign tested, my finger was lightly flicked and it was negative. However yesterday, I flicked my own middle finger very rough and all my fingers curled in. I know you are not supposed to test your own reflexes. I just want to know from others what degree of strength did your neurologist use when he/she checked for hoffman's sign? Thank you.
Trust the Neuro,
Have it bilaterally and cannot make it happen ever, but the Neuro, he can make it happen immediately.. Do not try this at home..Really...
I was never tested for that reflex.
Was tested Monday for Hoffmann's and it was a hard flick. Also negative both hands.
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had that test done and like the babinski my fingers and thumb automatically fan out ,as no reflex movement at all is negative in the hoffmans sign i presume my response was positive.
Yep you got it. Often considered the babinski sign of the hands...
I've had the Hoffman's test done many times and it was accomplished with a soft flick. I like to use a clothes pin!
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are you serious pz ,i think that would give a healthy person a positive hoffmans lol:D
The hoffmans sign is thought by many neurologists to be of little use. Mine is strongly positive but so are my husbands, who is 100% healthy. So it really means pretty mich nothing. My hubby was suprised that anyone actually bothers to do it anymore. Mine was done by a Rehab doctor not a neurologist. so.... don;t spend too much time thinking about it, too many faise positives to be helpful.
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