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I had a similar deal Neurogist was personable, but he would never commit to a diagnosis and always ended our discussions with: "But we cannot rule out ALS".

Finally I had enough and pushed him to refer me to the ALS Clinic. Unfortunately there was a diagnosis provided, but better to know. Also; better that it was PLS.
I am back from Cleveland Clinic and Dr Pioro does not think I have ALS or PLS. I am not presenting with classic symptoms, I think the arm and tongue tingling part. He did not think the leg was showing spasticity. The emg was done on my whole right side, not just my leg. I was probably poked more than 50 times compared with only 15 times when done at the other neuro. He also had a unique ALS protocol to be done of my MRI of the brain, that was normal. He wondered about inflammatory something, and ordered a lumbar puncture, so I am going back in 2 weeks and will know 2 weeks after that. He also does not think its MS.
I am relieved.
It is worth it to see someone who specializes in ALS.
My neuro who had said probably PLS, specializes in peripheral nerves.
A friend once said, "you have G.O.K. ...God only knows"
I think that's the closest some of us can get.
now your diagnosed without pls..or thats good..very very good...take care.....johnno
That is Good news...No PLS as previous doc suggested...The is Wonderful!. I hope you can get to the bottom of this and it can be cured or treated. Keeping you in my thoughts.{{HUGS}}
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