Your Rant and Raving page, unload your feelings

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Isn't it funny how fast a rant can become something funny? Ruth! You are acting like me!

CJ, I think we all need one of you. Wanna be cloned?
Ha! Cloning would be great, if I could keep about three of my selves and we wouldn't argue! LOL Don't think my husband could handle that though (nor my son)!

Here I am, Ceej (one syllable) leading a one woman siege against ALS and the vendors that feed off it...(I know, that was real corny!):p
Luckily I have it easier than a lot of the guys here. Fran is really strong and tough, she used to beat my a$$ all the time. So she's doing a great job taking over running the house, with help from our son when needed.
Oh, Hal, very forward thinking of you to have a son! And it's great that Fran is also strong. And, Ceej, when I first read your pronunciation of CJ, it occurred to me immediately that "seige" is YOU.
I learned a long time ago just because Medical is somewhere in a business name does not mean they have a clue about what they are doing. Where do they find these idiots? On 3rd hand control on my 3rd powered wheelchair, the rest stayed messed up.
I use to have power lift on back of car when I could still transfer. Went to Doctor office put it down and it would not go back up. It was only 2 weeks old. Called supplier and they sent6 man out, I watched him go under car and plug it back in. He said, I can find nothing wrong, works fine. Yes, lie to me sucker, right to my face. They had not taped or zip tied the connection.
Don't you hate it when.... you're alone in the house and in a power chair, drop something onto the floor. Then make the stupid decision (done this before, the results do not become better with time) to lean over and pick it up... only to be stuck with arms on legs, head in lap. Then try and fail to turn off the joystick (and yes, sigh, I do know better), remember the phone is not yet in the chair's bag. Decide to relax for awhile. Pick up object, move chair to table. Finally with total effort use table to sit up. And know what the center deltoid muscle feels like as it quivers for twenty minutes.
Been there done that way too many times.
Your whole situation is on my mind often. I hope you can find a person out there that would be a great improvement to that disgusting caregiver....... I'd rather depend on a dog! I am sure you know, that the biggest credential for a caregiver is just a mindful, attentive, kind, gentle person who will be willing to learn, and follows directives. They don't have to be certified, but just with character references. Would your family be willing to instruct the caregiver... if you should be fortunate to find a willing person? I know there are many out there who would work for 12-15 dollars an hour and be worth more. Good luck and many prayers for a solution.

You have so many needs and such courage. I can't believe your stamina. I remind you that you are an incentive to me to make ready to demonstrate similar courage as it will be needed. Rick is beginning some form of dementia. He can still function pretty well, but with gliches in his memory and strange behaviors. He is having both an MRI and a swallowing test again this Friday. He must soon use a walker. He knocked a decorative plate off the wall and broke it this morning (as he was staggering out of the bathroom.)

Blessings to you. Marjorie
Well, I am still having to put up with the discusting caregiver as my wife does not want to deal with looking for another. So I sit in my office and ignore him no matter what I need I don't ask. It makes for an incredibly long and stressful day. I will not let him near me and my wife still thinks I am being to fussy. I hate this!
Well that really sucks Joel, I hope you don't need much when he is around. Can you program your talker to say "Go scrub your paws before you come near me!"? Or download a siren sound that you can sound if he comes near your without washing first?
LOL. My wife would kill me if I did! No matter what I need I wait until he is gone then get my wife to do it. That makes her mad too. I can't win!
Joel... could you ask her to read this thread? If so... Christine, know that we really hate it that this isn't working out for Joel, and you're stuck with making the changes for him, but he really needs this to be taken care of. He loves you and hates to be a bother, but this guy has got to go. Joel needs to have basic hygiene practiced by his caregivers so that he doesn't end up with a crisis-illness. Life will be lots more peaceful when this change has been made. XOXO from another wimpy woman, Ann.
Thanks Ann, I fear my life would not be worth anything if she knew I shared my feeling about this on the forum. I don't want to paint a horrible picture of her but she does not understand how I feel about this. I have tried telling her and that did not go very well. I go out of my way trying to make things as comfortable for her as possible but this has me baffled. She does not allow herself to understand.
I am taking a real chance by posting my feelings here and hope she never sees it. LOL.

Thanks for letting me blow off here!
Joel, I understand not wanting your private "blowing off steam" place shared and imperiled. It's too important to risk. I will pray for Christine to be moved to understand your legitimate concerns. That's the best "action" of all. Sorry to be so slow to act.
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