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With obsessive compulsive disorder it is common to doubt your doctors and to worry that your symptoms are not yet pronounced enough to be identifiable by medical testing. I would suggest that you really be reflexive about how much the obsession with ALS is at work here and follow through with the recommendation to see an OCD specialist…not just any psychotherapist. You have already indicated that you have a history of OCD-like symptoms related to health concerns.

Even with early bulbar involvement, there would be other indications in your neurological examination that would be red flags at this point, which is what the other responders to your post and your doctors are trying to point out to you. And if you continue to have symptoms that progress and concern you then go back to your internist.

Anxiety is a real thing. Quite awful actually. I wouldn't take the recommendation lightly to seek help in dealing with the OCD/OCD-like symptoms from a therapist specifically trained in dealing with OCD.
Thank you Tillie, you're post is really touching along with all the others. I want you all to know that I don't take your health challenges, or the loved ones you've lost lightly at all. I'm very sorry if my intense anxiety has made it come across that way. My heart aches for all of you who face these challenges and actually have diagnosis's because just the idea alone is so emotionally draining and difficult that I can only imagine what those of you who have it go through.

You've all been patient and detailed with me and I truly do appreciate that. I in fact do have an appointment scheduled with a psycho-therapist next week and I really hope that will bring some peace of mind to me and help with the issues that I face.

>I'm the soul of patience.

Harold, really --- :)
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