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Jun 5, 2008
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Hi, I'm a 26-year-old male, 6'1", 180 lbs., who a month and a half ago noticed a twitch on my left bicep and tricep. I thought it was odd since of course I had twitches before but it was frequent enough to notice.

From then to now I've noticed a slow progression of twitching - the next was my knee muscles, both of them, and now it's all over. Recently it's been my right bicep and stomach, but I've noticed twitching in my index finger and thumb, chest, and the side of my head about the level of my ear.

I feel generally tired most of the day, and as though my body were requiring 10+ hours of sleep to recuperate, and my arms and legs feel weak. I noticed the muscles in my head get weaker recently while I was whistling. I have been missing words requiring plosives and other pursing of the lips and seem to unconsciously compensate by omitting those consonants while I talk.

At night I feel like my muscles can't relax and I am turning from side to side to get comfortable. I have mild pain that feels like cramps in my arm and leg muscles.

For the last two weeks I felt pain in my ear - like something is shifting there - when I clamp down on my jaw. The ear doc said he thought it was TMJ.

I visited a neuro who did physical tests, including Babinski's sign, then sent me to get bloodwork, then an EMG in my legs. All tests were apparently normal.

Back in 2006 I had an MRI done to rule out MS because I felt constantly fatigued for a period of nine weeks (the result found no apparent demylination).

I've tried taking 500 mg of Magnesium daily for these last three days and have not noticed any apparent reduction in twitching.

Finally, I am fairly out of shape. I sit in an office all day at a computer and get no exercise (something I'm going to change now).

Does anyone have similar symptoms or a take on how likely this could be ALS or something else?
Sorry about the duplicate thread, I reloaded the page after it seemed to freeze for a while.
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