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Apr 25, 2017
Learn about ALS
Hello, first I want to say that I feel bad posting on this website with many people who are affected by ALS, but my symptoms seem concerning. I would go to my GP, however, I am 17 and my parents will not take me.

I know 17 is young for ALS or another type of issue, and I am also a female, but it is certainly possible.
I do have an anxiety disorder, but some of these symptoms do not seem like they could be affected by it.
It started a few months ago, with symptoms that are not really ALS-related. First, my eye visibly twitched all the time, and then that went away, and my thumb in my right arm began to jerk constantly. That too went away for a few days, but for the last two months I constantly twitch visibly all over my body (I know this sounds like BFS and this point)
I started to get very concerned about a month ago when I could literally not move the thumb in my left hand without it severely cramping and it was completely stiff. This went away after a week, and for a while, I calmed down. However now, there is not pain but my whole left arm has been weak in the last week. Today I had gym and was unable to do the five-pound lifting in my arm for more than 10 reps. I had difficulty in both arms but my left arm literally did not want to move, I had to swing my body to move it. My left arm still feels crampy from this. Just a few minutes ago, I was dumping out my full coffee pot with my left arm to test it out, and my arm completely shook, but my right arm was fine. I also am always dropping things in this arm. This arm is also the worst place where my twitching occurs, especially after doing something with it, in my triceps and biceps. In the mirror when I look at it, my left bicep is far smaller than my right (I am right-handed though) Even my friends and family agree it is smaller, but not by that much. Flexing this muscle to show people is even difficult, as clenching my arm feels strange. If this was perceived weakness, I do not know why I am having trouble lifting weights, and even typing this full thing. My fingers have so much trouble moving to type in the left hand. Another issue that I am having is that my mouth is always pooling with saliva now, although I can swallow it. I seem to be tripping up on words a lot too, and choking on food if I don't drink enough. I have had throat congestion and a raspy voice for a while. Once again, parents not concerned.
This part is going to sound completely stupid, but I resorted to checking my reflexes. When I tap my knee jerk reflex spot, my legs violently kick out very far and very fast. I cannot check other reflexes, and yes I know I am not a doctor.
Overall, my left arm problems and twitching in that arm concerns me a great deal. My parents do not find this issue worth seeing the doctor, but I am very scared. Weakness, twitching worse at night and with activity in left arm and buttocks, calves, thighs, chin, eyes, and pretty much everywhere else.
Thank you so much whoever is able to respond with advice. Trust me, I wish I could just see my GP, I have a feeling they would be dismissive as well. I have spent a considerable amount of time on this forum, and found many diagnosed people that experienced twitching a lot made worse when laying down all over and in the affected arm (which I have) and weakness. Is this likely ALS, I know it is unlikely at my age but clearly possible. I am not tired or anything else. Another thing, if I bend my pinky my ring finger goes with it on the left hand. I feel like my hand cannot move those fingers at all. Is this in my head?
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There's no ALS, there. No way. The only thing that matters to ALS is your weakness. But it comes and goes. ALS never has gets better.
Thank you for replying, my concern is that this left-hand weakness has not gone away . The fingers seem to be getting worse.
Like Mike says nothing there sound like ALS, with ALS symptoms don't come and go, if you have got it you have got it. And your post is too long and hard to read, break it into paragraphs
Should you see a doctor? It would seem yes since you are having symptoms that worry you. Do they sound ALS? No they really do not.

A few random comments. A significant difference is size from left to right is common and not worrisome. My nondominant hand is so different from the other that my neurologist actually questioned atrophy. It isn't and that hand remains fully functional 2.5 years later and had a normal EMG. It looks the same as always.

That ring finger moving thing is not abnormal. People have reported it here before and our unaffected relatives of ALS people chimed in they had it too ( the relatives did)

Do you have a history of health anxiety? It seems odd that your parents refused a doctor visit. Did you say I need to see the doctor because I think I have ALS? I can see how they would refuse that. If you said my arm is bothering me and I had trouble doing my gym exercises and you don't have a history of multiple false alarms then it would be reasonable to see a doctor

Either way you are not describing ALS
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I've had brisk reflexes all my life. My neurologist has brisk reflexes.
The ring finger is very common on many people
Nothing in your post seems like ALS

It could be overuse coupled with anxiety.

I don't see any reason you shouldn't go to a doctor unless you already have a health anxiety disorder diagnosis. Show your post to your parents. I'm sure they don't want you to worry. If it takes a trip to a general neurologist to convince you, so be it. Just don't waste your time on this board. You'll "discover" more symptoms.
Hi there-

While I don't see ALS, it's clear you need a check up from a doctor. If your school has a nurse, they might be a good first step. It's important to be able to go to the doctor for a whole host of reasons, including regular check ups and information about your personal health.

17 is WAY too young to be worrying about ALS- we're all old folks here. You have a whole life ahead of you, and it's a super good idea to make sure you have a doctor to go to get a variety of healthcare needs met as you graduate from being a teenager and move on to being an adult.
Sorry about the bad organization. The thing is this left arm thing won go away. Today at the gym I was unable to lift a 5-pound weight when doing a bicep curl after about 10 repetitions, while my right arm was fine.
We understand you have an arm issue. We don't think it is ALS and we don't think you should be here because it is bad for people who do not have ALS or a reasonable suspicion of it. It only can increase your fear.

You have been advised to speak with your parents again. We all think seeing a doctor sounds reasonable but asked you about health anxiety as that might explain why they do not want you to be seen. You chose to ignore that issue completely in your reply.

Either way our answers are : no ALS.
Ask your parents to let you see the doctor for your arm problem.

There really is nothing else for us to say
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Thank you so much to everyone for answering. I do have OCD, and I do have a health anxiety. if the problem gets worse I will be able to go
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