Worrying about ALS, Saw neurologist today, What do y'all think?

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Nov 16, 2024
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Hi All,

I am 32 y/o male. I started have weakness/drop foot in my right foot about 2-3 weeks ago. I first noticed it when i was walking the dog and i wouldn't life my heel/toes high enough. I went to the ER and got checked for stroke and bloodclots through ultrasound. All came back clear. I also had a lot of numbness espescially at the top of the foot where the toes connect to the foot. The doctors believed i had compressed my peroneal nerve due to long sitting hours. they told me to follow up with a neurologist

Fast forward to today, I saw my neurologist. She think its most likely peripheral neuropathy as well. I told her that prior to my foot drop, i had been sitting in a chair for long hours, often with my legs on top of the desk putting pressure on that nerve. Also i showed her where i felt the numbness, at the top of foot where the toes meet the foot. Along with me losing a lot of weight, she said that it is common for people who lose weight to have this issue as they no longer have the cushion for their peroneal nerve. She did however notice that i did have brisk reflexes or hyper reflexia espescially when hitting my patella in my knee. She ordered some blood tests for vitamins and also an EMG just in case, which i should get done in the following weeks.

I have pretty bad health anxiety so i am worried like crazy that i could have a terminal illness. Does this sound like ALS? She said ALS is not found with numbness usually and less sensitivity but the hyper reflexia has got me worried. Will the EMG provide enough information to conclude that i do not have it? Not sure but i've also noticed more twitching throughout my body.
I think it totally sounds like a compressed nerve which is something we see here not infrequently. The emg will probably show this. It would certainly show als and the two look very different. Your report will likely start this is an abnormal study because they say that about any abnormality
i had a question about twitching and weakness as well. Currently i have the foot drop in the right foot, does that mean if i had twitching it would start in the right foot or in related areas? or would the weakness precede the twitching. I am feeling twitching in that right leg and its making me very anxios sadly.
Nerve damage such as you likely have can cause twitching.
I am so scared, my right leg feels weaker already and im noticing the twitching in it. I am so young, and i see my life flashing before my eyes.... Idk what to do.
Hey, there- if you're feeling super anxious, speak with your doctor about help with that. We can only provide the most basic of information here (which you've received) and reassurance (which you've received). We aren't set up for longer term health anxiety support here- we're a forum that exists to provide support for the day to day issues that arise with an ALS diagnosis either for ourselves or a loved one.

You deserve support from qualified people and your doctor can help you with that- please speak to them. As well there are plenty of online support groups for people with twitching, etc- reddit MuscleTwitch can be a good place.
Yes i will do that.

In your opinion do you think i likely have als as well?
It's very clear you aren't able to gain reassurance here, because Nikki already answered you about that-.

Nerve damage such as you likely have can cause twitching.

And your doctor also stated your symptoms don't point in that direction- that sensory issues point somewhere else. This is your health anxiety prompting you to ask again despite being provided answers already.

Please take care. If you're really struggling, speaking with your doctor should be your next stop- people with ALS and their caregivers aren't really your best option for that.

Please wait til after your EMG to post again. I really recommend you do not continue feeding your anxiety by engaging here.
Thank you for the help, i will refrain till after my emg to post. Wishing you all the best
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