Worried/Some questions

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New member
Jan 17, 2021
Learn about ALS
Eagle Pass
Hello, all, thank you for taking the time to read this. I’ve been pretty worrisome as I’ve had some symptoms that come and go. For reference, I am a 22 year old Caucasian male. I’ve been experiencing:

-low right side back pain caused by work around May 2020. The pain comes and goes.

-some episodes of burning and tingling in my upper middle back area. I’ve felt the burning and tingling in some parts of my leg, but not recently. Sometimes I’ll get “spots” when these episodes happen.

-after these symptoms, I started having a muscle twitch that started on my quadriceps, and now I practically have them all over my body and face.

-More recently my tongue has started to feel “funny”. I can talk and eat fine, but sometimes I will feel a slight cramp or stiffness. I also notice that I’ll salivate a bit more when I have these “episodes”, but they come and go.

I have gone to the doctor twice but it was mainly for blood and Urine work. I asked about the muscle twitching but he said my electrolyte levels were fine.

Should I be worried, and have my patterns been similar to that of an ALS patient? And is it possible to bring ALS onto yourself? I read a study where an elderly woman had back pain which resolved but then she was diagnosed with the disease. I am afraid if that will happen to me. I have an appt with the same doctor in June, and I will ask him more questions for a possible EMG as I want to know what is happening with my body. I believe I have pretty bad health anxiety, and I’m hoping it is just and that I’ve been thinking way too much about the more worrisome symptoms. Thank you all for reading this, and I hope you all continue to have a great day.
The study to which I believe you refer was not about back pain “turning into” ALS. The point was that she had had an EMG at that time for back pain and it showed that ALS hadn’t started yet. The fact that she subsequently developed ALS was coincidence

no your symptoms are not at all consistent with ALS twitching is nonspecific and meaningless. Nor do your episodes with mouth / tongue sound remotely like ALS.
Thank you for your reply. Have a blessed day.
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