Worried about symptoms

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I think that's more a question to pose to folks who know BFS. There are a few different communities online who have a larger pool of knowledge about twitching. On reddit /MuscleTwitch and on Facebook there's a very large and active BFS group. If you want to discuss reasons for twitching or other BFS related topics, those would be the places to go. This forum really does only focus on ALS/MND and the daily issues that affect those whose lives are touched by an ALS/MND diagnosis.

It's definitely an under researched issue on account it's benign (as in, not dangerous to physical health), but many have found it's debilitating due to the anxiety it can arouse. Some people twitch for no discernible reason, others have some underlying health issue. BFS appears to be a blanket term and likely has many different causes. Hopefully in your discussions with people in the above mentioned communities, you will be able to find some more clarity.

Take care
It is your choice to keep googling stuff of course.
But bringing it here is really not an option anymore.
We have told you twitching means nothing.

Please, for your own mental health, don't pursue questions here.

I had an emg done after 3 months. It came back "clean". I know that one should wait 12 months to rule ALS out. I'll take this exam again at 6 and 12 months. Still, the idea of taking this exam again really scares me.

Do you know if any research has been done about how early ALS could be found with an EMG ? What is the value of a normal EMG 3 after months ?

Thanks for your help.
Ragnarokk, You've post 8 messages, you've had 17 replies and in February you
were asked not to post more questions here because most have been answered.

You've had an EMG done (again?) after three months and it came back clean.

It's your choice to have another EMG in six months or a year. There no sense
for you to keep posting concerns here... it isn't going to change a thing from
our ALS knowledgeable members.

The value of a clean EMG after 3 months is something many would dream
of and go on with their lives... free of ALS Health Anxiety.

To linger here isn't helping you one bit. The same for Dr. Google.

I hope you find the path to a healthy life soon free from the worry of
very remotely having ALS.
Hello. Thanks for your reassuring answer. My question is simple. Is there anything statistic or study about how early als can be detected with Emg. That is all. I won’t ask anything on this forum in the future. Thanks
Hi Ragnarokk-

The people here are not researchers, nor are they here to answer the kinds of questions more suited for academics or specialists. We are a group of caregivers and those diagnosed with ALS/MND who come here to receive support for the issues that arise as a result of an MND diagnosis.

You have been provided with all the answers and reassurance we are able to provide. It is time now to leave this forum behind instead of returning to ask research questions. I will be closing this thread. Please do not start another.
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