Woke Up - Air Hunger

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Thinking of you Pete. You have to take care of yourself first so putting your projects off for a minute is fine. Pete first. That should be your motto. Thank you for sharing you brave, brave man.
Hope you've found some relief Pete!
the gava was no help. ended up in ER. i am now on non opeoid med it is helping legs but i still feel aweful. this disease is hell. i just sit in my chair struggling to breathe with tears watching the idiot box.
Pete, I’m continue to send prayers for your comfort and peace and also strength for you and Cary.


Thinking of you and Carey Pete. Hoping they can find something to give you comfort. Kate
May they find a way to ease your pain and help you breathe. May all the sky’angels and all the earth’s good feelings come your way to comfort and love you.
Pete, you're so unlucky with medication. Hope for something helpful coming up!
Pete, I'm sorry for what you are enduring. I wish there was some relief for you. I hope the non-opiod med helps you. ALS is a terribly cruel disease and I am sorry for the hell it is putting you thru.
I don't comment often, Pete, but your humanity and insight is astounding. Never doubt that you have and are leaving a mark on your fellow pALS, this forum and the world. I am utterly sincere.

To practical matters, it's been suggested previously but please consider medical cannabis. It helps with pain, cramping and spasticity. With few if any side effects.

I've had pain since day 1. I cannot tolerate morphine but do tolerate Oxy. I agree with Greg that medical cannabis solves multiple issues. I use it liberally. Valium takes care of the cramps. I think the main reason for the opioids is to relieve the breathing panic.

I know this has been very hard for you since January but focus on your strong faith and that your final destination has been determined.
Hi Pete, Just checking in with you as I haven't seen a post for a few days anyway. I hope your comfortable. Just wanted you to know that I'm thinking about you.
Great news Pete. Continuing to pray for peace and comfort.


That’s great Pete!
I am glad to hear you are feeling a bit better Pete!
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