hugs Pete - I'm afraid all they can do is slowly up the amount of meds to keep the panic and air hunger under control, but they will also make you feel like you are in a sleepy cloud. I wish there was another way my friend xxx
i just woke up and havnt taken any meds so my brain is somewhat clear. this illeness is cruel. if this is my passing it is anything but comfortable. i am fortunate that i can one finger type and still transfer and very carefully swallow. beyond that i am like a fish on the shore trying to get its next breath. the man in my dreams who drags me away by my heels has yet to come for me, though i find myself wishing more and more that he would.
My dad went through the same thing with air hunger. Hospice went between Morphine and Atavan to help "open up his airways." Sometimes it worked, othertimes it didn't. The anxiety was what really was overwhelming for him at times.
Hugs and good thoughts coming to you Pete! Hoping that you are pain free and the meds provide calm and relief for you. You are never far from my thoughts.
Thank you Pete for all you share. I so appreciate knowing what you are gives me some idea what my pALS may soon be going through. Keeping you & your wife in my prayers!
Oh Pete, my heart breaks for all that your going through. It's all so unfair. My bother did as ctollars PALS. Morphine and lorazepam at regular intervals. He said he just wanted to go to sleep and not wake up. That's exactly what happened.
The struggling for air is the worst. I used to see a look of panic in his eyes and feel so helpless. All I could do was speak softly and calmly to him while the meds were kicking in.
I think of you and your wife everyday and hope for you to be comfortable. Hugs to you both.