Wish Us Luck

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Nov 25, 2004
Well tomorrow is the official day for richard to move in with me in london.....so lots of adjustments to make on both parts....and i have his cat "sunni" coming as Well....richard has been without his computer, but mike when he gets back on i will have him answer your questions.....take care....love richard and karen
Karen - have fun moving stuff! that's the worst part. no, seriously, i hope you two have many great times together, and it should be so much easier on you not having to travel to see each other. you always have this group for the support you may need. melissa
Hi karen and ricHard,

congratulations on your move. i bet you will very Happy. sure makes tHings so mucH easier wHen you are togetHer. live well, laugH often, and love mucH and you will be just fine. Hope wHen you Have your first big figHt we will be tHe first to know ! Ha.... best wisHes xoxox

love, carol
Thought i'd better drop in and offer my congratulations too. weather was better today. almost 70 and sunny. might even have got some color on my old bald head. i hope you richard and the cat have a long life together.
Hi karen,

congrats on your move. i Hope it all works out well for you two (and tHe cat). moving in togetHer is sucH an adventure, it gives you sometHing to keep your mind off your troubles and at tHe same time let's you explore eacH otHers' personality (it's amazing How mucH you learn about someone just by rearranging tHe closet !)

Hi karen & ricHard,

How 's tHe moving going? i Hope you're almost done.
i want to wisH you botH tHe best of luck and stay Happy for a very very long time..........lol elaine
Hi karen, congratulations on your new journey it will be definitly sometHing you Have never experienced before wHicH is great never boring also great and you get to spend it witH tHe man you love tHat Has to be tHe greatest. i was just going tHrougH tHe posts to see How many members we Had and i was surprised to see How many posted but witH no topic and i came across one of your letters. it Had to witH HomepatHetHic medicine and you mentioned eric and i'm assuming eric gredney i tHink tHats How you spell His last name. anyway i also found Him too and got His book becasue i tHougHt i Had found tHe answer to tim and mines prayers. eric Has Had als for 13 years and says tHat He is improving. tHe catcH was you get tHe book and tHen you would get more info if you sent a donation. first tim did get all His fillings replaced witH porleain tHen we Had Hair analysis done we also put Him on tHe supplements recommended and tHe juicing wHicH carol Had told me about along time ago. some time went by and His wife was emailing me wondering wHere tHe donation was. tim is in a very low income bracket and i Had just quit my job and i really didn't see waHt tHe Hurry was and i was a little miffed by tHe wHole tHing since i figured tHis was a gesture in good faitH. i finally sent tHe money wHicH tHey returned witHa nice letter but no otHer book. i wrote tHem and asked tHem wHat was going on and tHey said tHat tHey Hadnt promised me anytHing . about a montH a go i get tHis eamil and it was eric or His wife i sHould say witH eric dictating telling me about His pHase 2 plan and if people Hadn't followed His pHase 1 plan to a tee tHats wHy tHings weren't working. He said tHe big tHing now is glyconutrients wHicH weve known all along but tHat is just a supplement and everyone needs tHem especially in tHe world we live in and tHen some type of clay batHs to detoxify your body. anyway His book is now in publication i guess He got enougH donations to make it a marketabel product but i'm not really sure if i trust tHis guy. if tHis was so important wHy Hasnt tHe HomepatHetHic practioners started to inform people about tHis. also everytHing you need to do is very costly maybe tHats wHy He needed tHe money for tHe book to go towards tHe proceeds for all His treatments. we come from a very small town i wisH sometimes we were living in ontario so tim scould see dr strong i tHink tim wouldnt Have failed so fast if He would Have Had tHe proper care. He is so strong willed and He still Has tHat big brigHt smile tHat just melts your Heart wHen you see Him. i too Have made up my mind to move in witH Him its a bit different tHen your circumstances but love is still love wHetHer it be a freindsHip or a love affair. anyway wHen i read tHe post it just sparked some curiosity in me. im also a natural HealtH consultant as well as pHarmacy tecH and a medical stenograpHer. rigHt now i'm a notHing but tHe future Holds good tHings for me i can feel it and wHen i Hear good stories like yours i know mine is going to work out too. now if we can only get tHeresa to get Hers figured out us single women will be finally be witH people we love. i Have 2 cats i'm taking witH me i Hope tim likes tHem becasue tHey are my babies.
tHis forum is so catHartic for me anyway i am so glad i found it i just wisH it Had been under different circumstnances but tHere Has to be a reason we are all meeting tHis way. i know i've never been out east i feel now i could pHone anybody and it would feel like family.its sucH a positve outlet under sucH dismal circumstances.
well ive said enougH for one nigHt
kim from tHe prairies
als about loving someone
Kim - good to hear from you. i'm glad you mentioned about this guy eric. i'm trying to find out all i can about natural foods and that Kind of stuff so i might have checked it out too. well, i might still, but at least i've been forewarned that it might not all be on the up and up!

nathan and i have started taKing the multi-vitamins from gnc and he seems to think he feels a bit better, at least more energy. it seems impossible to change your whole diet at once so i was wondering where a good 2nd step would be....maybe the juicing?

also, an update on how he's doing, he feels that some of the anxiety related symptoms have gone away but not all the other ones. of course, he won't elaborate but i have seen him still walk as if his legs are week at times. i am just trying to keep track of what i see so when the time is right, i'll have a history to point to.

i agree with Kim, you all seem like family. i'm glad for you all. where is everyone, must be hibernating till spring, or off on a cruise or something! melissa
Hi to all, most of us are still around, i Had to take tHe computer in to detox it, or immune it from diseases.
i'll elaborate to all tHat Has been written in a bit, kids want on, tHey Have been in witHdrawl for over a day...Heaven Help tHem.
kim, you decided to move in witH tim....? good for you..
i'll be back.
melissa, sounds as if tHings are looking more positive witH natHan...
ok, i will be back...and yeaH, tHe forum does become a member of your family...
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