I'm teribly sorry your family is having financial difficulties. I frequent another ALS site and there is a gentleman that has a huge heart that has started a foundation to help PALS and their families. the following is a post by him that I hope you will find helpful:
This all began when my daughter learned about a 14 year old girl at school whose dad has ALS. It was a few weeks before Christmas. They were in danger of losing their house and had difficulty affording most of the necessities that ALS patients need. To add to their misery, her mom lost her job. This all happened right before Christmas. The young girl is absolutely dedicated to her dad, and does things for him that no 14 year old should have to do. Since her mom cannot lift dad alone, she has to stay at home and has no other life outside of school and her dad.
Upon hearing of their situation, I helped them out financially. They now consider me part of the family. We go to eachother's house for dinner etc. I'm a phone call away whenever they need me to help out with the dad or children. Word spread and other ALS families began to contact me. Believe it or not, this family is among the more "fortunate" ones. There are PALS, living alone with no family or friends. Single PALS are losing their children because they can no longer care for them. I've seen CALS on the verge of nervous breakdowns. It all haunts me. I'm in a position to help... and that's what I am doing.
My website will be up soon, and it will link to other ALS sites. I hear of people in desparate situations from this website and others. I'll typically send them an email, and take it from there.
I want to be clear.. this is what I want to do. PALS need help... and providing help is very rewarding to me. I do not want anyone thinking that this is a sacrifice. I can't begin to tell you what this does for my soul. I've also made some very close friendships in the ALS community.
I hope to raise funds beyond my own contributions. My hope is to create something that will outlive me. Something that can exist on its own in perpetuity. Better yet, I hope ALS can be effectively treated and people like myself will not be necessary.
So, thats the story. If you need help, let's talk. Email me or call me at the numbers below.
Cell: 949-233-3045
Home/Office: 949-488-9894