Where I am now

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Dec 30, 2008
Learn about ALS
Pall alto
So I listed my symptoms in a previous post and the basic reply was that the symptoms did not look like ALS and that I should chill and let my doctors guide the process.

My latest Sx developments:
Voice gets hoarse when I talk too much
Small ridge front -right of my tongue
Minor fasics after excertion
Legs burn at the end of the day
Middle of the night feeling that I need oxygen
Very dry mouth
Cough when I eat and drink

Now that sounds like a lot but I walk 2 miles every morning by 4:00 PM I am exhausted and I need to rest. While I am resting legs burn!

I had an ENT appointment today, she looked at my throat and larynx and said slight inflamation around the larynx that she attributed to acid reflux!

My pcp called to check on me I asked if I should start blood work? He indicated that he wants to leave it to my nuero.

I go to my neuro Tuesday go review my MRI results.

Any input on my symptom progression?
Assuming my MRI is clean what should I ask to do next ?

Please bear with me during this difficult process !
Still doesn't sound like ALS. See what the neuro has to say. If you start asking the neuro what's next before they are done the exam they're going to know you've been on the internet and may discount some symptoms as anxiety related. Tell them your symptoms. Wait for result. They'll either say no ALS or say let's do an EMG & NCV.

Well the MRI came back clean

The nuero was hoping that I would be pleased with the result. When she saw that I had more symptoms which included fasics, she redid many of tv strength and reflex tests.

She kept saying that she does not think it's anything bad

She then wrote a blood lab slip and scheduled an EMG

So the story continues!
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