Hi, Debbie ... thanks for those kind words. I needed a cup o' kindness this morning.
Thanks for asking about my husband, too. As I guess I've mentioned (a few tiimes
) he has been diagnosed with parkinson's plus dementia. The Parkinson's meds are great. His walking is much steadier, and no falls for a couple months (knock wood). I was told that it will take a while for the dementia meds (Aricept) to show a difference, but I have the sense that they are finally working. It's impossible to describe ... just that he is more "present." He is taking information in now, he's becoming aware of what's going on around him. and responding appropriately. It's very subtle, but I think it's happening.
The biggie is that he is still nauseated and can't eat. And I can't blame this on my cooking! He can't eat more than a few bites even of his favorite foods, and is losing weight.
Three weeks ago, one of his host of doctors said he feared stomach cancer, which Paul's brother died from. And a close family member who had it is a risk factor. And of course, I started Googling like mad, and his symptoms sure sound like it. So the tests were set up for yesterday in the hospital, and it turns out his stomach is fine ... no cancer, no nothing that shouldn't be there.
That was a scary day at the hospital, however, as they told me the test would take 20 minutes, and an hour and a half later, I was still in the waiting room, sure he had died in the operating room, etc. I kept trying to figure out what I'd do if the surgeon came and said, "Your husband is dead." I could not imagine it. And I knew my response would be, "No he isn't. I want a second opinion!" But all is well on that front ... Big WHEW!
As for my hanging in there ... it is still denial, I think. For two years, I said, OK, my speech is bad/worse/gone, but at least I can still ________. Fill in the blank: "Walk, use my hands and arms, get around, drive, etc." And I figure it's never going to progress beyond where it's at, because I'm so special.
Alas, it is spreading and I'm losing function in both hands, but still at a fairly slow steady pace. And I can still ___________. Whatever ...
Sorry this was so long ... but you hit me exactly when I needed to vent.
Thanks so much for your concern!