What is breath stacking? What does it do?

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Distinguished member
Oct 1, 2005
My husband and I would like to know what breath stacking means and what it does?

Hi hope. If you do a search on breath stacking you'll find a post from 9/21/06. where you asked the same question or at the bottom of this page there are similar threads and it is there. There are some answers there. We all have our senior moments as I call them.
I apologize Al, yes I did ask this question before. Yes you are right must have been a senior moment. When I asked before things had settled down and we ended up not needing it. The doctor is sending therapist today to train me on this. I asked before just to understand and to be honest with you the whole thing left my brain. I guess it is because there were so many things going on I honestly forgot. His choking at that time had settled down so we went on to deal with other problems. I turned all red with embarrasement when I read your post. I thought to myself okay after fifty it is all down hill. Have a nice day and thank you for reminding me.

Hope, sometimes it is knowing what question to ask that makes you an intelligent person, not knowing the answer, even if you need to ask the question twice! If you hadn't asked again, think of all the people who wouldn't have seen the links and read the information that would help themselves or their family members.
I hope you didn't think I was giving you a hard time. That was not my intention at all. As Holly says it does bring information back up to the top of the list but it also reminds us all of the wealth of information that is available in the search feature. So you have killed 2 birds with one stone which is good hunting where I come from.
Thank you for the kind post and Al I really did not think you were being hard on me at all. I thank you for reminding me. I guess it was one of those days were I was being forgetful. In the last hour I did learn how to do the breath stacking and other things to help with the choking problems due to the phelgm. Thank you for your kindness of both posts.

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