What happened to my access?

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Good morning to yaaaall

I also PM just once in a while now. My plate is so full with work and living life that I don't have the energy to PM OR read much on the forum any more.

I think it's GREAT you are revamping this site if there's 'stuff' going on. Good job!

So many of you are in my thoughts and prayers every day.

Liz, I'm thinking about ya today. When you get your PM up, let me know how your 'day in the apple trees' went.

Hi Cindy~Merlot? Whose got the Merlot? :-D

Cheers! Frizzel
Hrmm, it appears something isn't working right; everyone who is complaining has >50 posts, and therefor shouldn't be noticing any differences... I will investigate..
I think I fixed the issue... people with over 50 posts are now moved to a new user level that has access for:

- editing
- pm'ing
- etc...
I think I fixed the issue... people with over 50 posts are now moved to a new user level that has access for:

- editing
- pm'ing
- etc...
Yep, that fixed it for me.
I agree 50 is excessive

Hi all ~ I have to agree that 50 posts are a little excessive. I hope at the meeting tonight you will reconsider that number. If not, I guess I will have to stay up one night and post a lot of random posts just to fit my quota, so that I can use the PM function sooner rather than later.

Have a nice weekend.
Pam B in Va
I'm trusting the moderators on this one.

We who enjoy the benefits of this forum need to also realize we don't see all the 'stuff' trying to be posted behind the scenes that never gets to the threads. My thought is, if you moderators have people post for a while, you get to know the intentions of the people posting.

Thank you to each of you moderators for all the behind the scenes work you do in filtering out the scammers. I'm trusting you to do what's best for all of us on this one.
My PM is working

Hey! My PM is working now, too. Thanks!:-D

Just casting my vote with the "50 is too many" crowd. John explained it well.
Hi folks. We adjusted it down lower We'll see how that goes. It should keep out the Bots and spammers and scammers. A few posts is not too much for someone with serious issues or questions or comments about any of the forums here.
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15 posts

thank you for lowering the # from 50.

kath kexington. ky.

Bit off topic, but since I can't PM yet.

I notice it takes a day or so, perhaps more, for my posts to show up on the forum. If this is normal, let me know. I'm in no hurry :)

But would be nice to get them posted within hours of submission, or suggest a fix if there is a issue on my end I can look into.

Hi Joel- I check daily for posts waiting to be put up and, when we get our access back at work will be able to do it more often. That said, I notice that after I approve them it still take a few hours for them to show up.

I have also noticed some newcomers get posted right away, without waiting for approval. I think it has to do with certain key words in the text. We were having a lot of trouble with spammers so I think the software snags posts with links, email addresses, and certain keywords. Sorry but I do not know what those keywords are. Safe to say a big majority of new posts get through. Sorry we made yours wait, for whatever reason. hang in and it will get better. cindy
Thanks for the info Cindy, my post you responded to here showed up instantly, so I'm sure the issue is just as you described. No problemo.
any words of wisdom?

Hello. I am new to this and this is my first e-mail. I am writing to get suggestions from those who are familiar with ALS about how best to deal with it from an employee standpoint. My new boss was just recently diagnosed with ALS, but has not let this diagnosis be known to his staff (unbenownst to him, I happen to know, however). His speech is quite slurred, it is very difficult to understand him, or, it seems, for him to understand you, he has difficulty swallowing, and he tires easily. He is valiantly trying to perform his job, but cannot do so adequately without seriously taxing the rest of the staff in our very small office. The initial sympathy is quickly turning to resentment at being consistently overworked and being forced to operate as if everything were normal. At the same time, most everyone realizes that he is dealing with an extremely difficult situation (although exactly what they do not know), but this does not alleviate their stress. Due to my position, I am caught in the middle. I guess I am wondering if there is anything I (and the rest of the office) could be doing to make his job easier, in terms of how we should approach him and communicate with him until and unless he decides to share this information with all of us. I would appreciate any guidance and words of wisdom that may be out there as well as what to expect next in terms of symptons and the timeframe for such. Thank you.
Hello Lupe- welcome to the forum. You have an interesting problem. My first guess is that if he is slurring his speech the issue may resolve soon anyway. It is very hard to act as if everyhting is fine when you basically sound like you are drung on the job. You do yourself and your coworkers and your boss a great service by learning all you can, however. Best of luck with this sticky situation. Cindy
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