I am not forsure but I have not read that it is? I have not done it where it bleeds. I have just recently noticed my tongue and the biting, I also bite or have teeth marks on my cheeks. I can bite my front cheeck/lip area. (kinda the same place as in Rose's lip atrophy photo). Yes, it freaks me out a bit, and after seeing Roses photos and knowing that my inside cheeks look the same.....I could go into full panic mode. BUT, I wont. I can talk and eat. And I have even choked a few times on my food, Ijust believe it is from eating to fast, I have to eat fast with three kids, no time. IT could mean something, I just dont go there and nor should you untill it is worse or confirmed. I understand your fears and have the same ones. I have seen an als specialist and have had all the tests and have been told that I dont appear to have als. I will have a repeat emg soon. JUst try not to worry untill it is bad....