What could be the reason for this?

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Active member
Aug 11, 2008
San Diego
I just bit my tongue in my sleep again. This time it was the tip of my tongue. I had only been asleep maybe 10 minutes. Now my tongue is bleeding. Should I be concerned about this? Is this a symptom? It doesn't happen when I'm awake.
I would not be too concerned with this. I do this sometimes while tired or sleeping and sometimes when I am awake. I notice that my tongue feels like it is pressing into my mouth and my back teeth are biting my tongue. The front happens too. I think that maybe I have always done this here and never noticed before? From what I have been told, this is not a concern of bulbar, It comes in the later stages of als, not in the early while you are still talking and eating. I dont have bulbar als, so I dont know forsure, just what i have read. Try not to stress about your mouth untill you are slurring your words or something. That is what I tell myself. I have dents on the left side of my tongue (my weak side) I have bite my tongue and I have had the few twitches there, but I cant be concerned untill my speach changes or I choke on food. Try to go with that.

Take care

No, I don't believe I have narcolepsy. Thank you for responding though. April, have you woken up from a dead sleep from biting your tongue. I don't know if I am dreaming about it and then I do it or what. This is the first time my tongue has bled from it though. I read somewhere that someone's first symptom of bulbar ALS was tongue biting and that worries me. Are you sure it doesn't come until later in the course of the disease? Thank you again April.
Hi Kritin01, Have you told the neurologist about the biting of the tongue in your sleep? This would be an issue to bring up at your next visit.
I am not forsure but I have not read that it is? I have not done it where it bleeds. I have just recently noticed my tongue and the biting, I also bite or have teeth marks on my cheeks. I can bite my front cheeck/lip area. (kinda the same place as in Rose's lip atrophy photo). Yes, it freaks me out a bit, and after seeing Roses photos and knowing that my inside cheeks look the same.....I could go into full panic mode. BUT, I wont. I can talk and eat. And I have even choked a few times on my food, Ijust believe it is from eating to fast, I have to eat fast with three kids, no time. IT could mean something, I just dont go there and nor should you untill it is worse or confirmed. I understand your fears and have the same ones. I have seen an als specialist and have had all the tests and have been told that I dont appear to have als. I will have a repeat emg soon. JUst try not to worry untill it is bad....
I'm planning on bringing it up to my neuro at my next visit. Lovelily, do you bite your tongue in your sleep?
I don't even know what to say to you anymore. You don't have ONE shred of evidence indicating you have anything even remotely close to ALS. You have had two EMG's and they were both clean. You have been evaluated by (I believe) two different neuro's and have been told you are fine . . . and yet . . . you continue with this.

Move on with your life . . . enjoy your unborn child and then enjoy him/her when he/she is finally born.
I'm sorry to annoy you Wright. I truly believe you are a blessing to this forum and I won't bother you anymore. I have just read on here and on other sites as well that biting your tongue in your sleep can definitely be a symptom of ALS. It's happening frequently too.
You're not bothering me . . . you're frustrating me because you won't listen to your neuro's and accept the fact that there is no evidence you have ALS. It's as simple as that. Stop tormenting yourself.

Do you grind your teeth while you sleep? If so maybe it has something to do with that.
Hello Kristin,

No...no biting of the tongue. I was just thinking of epilepsy. I am 'not' looking to put another scare into you, but if you really have this symptom then I think it 'is' something to tell a neurologist. Maybe a different direction.

Hope you can figure things out soon.
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