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Distinguished member
Jul 5, 2008
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Good Morning Everyone,
So, with my leg going downhill, and two clearly clean EMG's and NCS's I began to ponder this: Is it possible to have atrophy and weakness of a muscle or group of muslces without denervation of said muscles? And if yes, what may cause such a thing to happen?

Please give me a clear diagnosis and treatment regimen ASAP so that I may get on with my life. :wink:
Thank you ever so much,
i would lloooove to know this answer as well...thanks
Hi Suzann,
People who are in comas or who are on lengthy bedrest can develop significant muscle atrophy and contractures (and no denervation)--that is why physio's and nurses do regular passive range of motion exercises with them. But does not explain your situation as you aren't on bedrest are you <g>?

When you say your EMG's are clean, do you mean there was no sign of denervation? A myopathy can cause muscle atrophy and does so without denervating the muscle. The EMG should pick it up, though (the motor unit potentials would be small). One other thing you could have is conduction block in the absence of denervation.

Do you have your EMG records?

As Laurel said, you can get muscle atrophy from disuse, but I'm going to assume that you are still walking and using your legs on a regular basis.

Hang in there.
Laurel: Thank you for replying. No, I am not on bedrest - although right now I'd LOVE to get at least a good 8 or 9 hours of it! LOL So that wouldn't be the case with me . . .

Wright: I haven't seen you posting too much lately, but I was hoping you would see this and give your opinion, so thank you too!

I do not have any written records from any of my tests, so no on that front. My last EMG & NCS did show a neuropathy . . . .but on my left leg, which is the one I think/feel is just fine! (BTW what is the difference between a neuropathy and a myopathy?) When the neuro told me, I was so suprised that it showed on the left side I asked her twice if she was sure. Unreal. She said the rest of the results were "normal". Her original guess was that I have MMN, but that was ruled out. Her latest theory is nerve entrapment in my lower back, so I'm awaiting an appointmet for an MRI of my spine. In the meantime I'm limping, watching the "hole" in my lower leg grow larger, and my two year old (who mimics almost everything these days) has started grabbing his leg and saying "Oh my leg!" It was unsettling because I guess I'm doing that even more than I realize :(
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