We need 2 volunteers from every state!

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Senior member
Sep 19, 2010
We need an active PALS or CALS for every state to join us in the effort to get compassionate early access to new drug therapies for every PALS. Then we can form a network of activist volunteers who will see this dream into reality.

ALS Treat-Us-Now! is recruiting one volunteer, and one alternate volunteer from every state. We have several already covered. If you are interested please let us know. Will require a basic knowledge of the web, and 1-2 hours/a week volunteering to help this cause. This can be easily done from home. Volunteers will be coached and trained as necessary. If you'd like to learn more please email or message Sequoia/Sharon.

I am in Washington, anybody want to join me?


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Hi, We are in N.H. My husband is maybe interested in doing this if you could give me more information I will pass it on to him. Thanks so much.
I'm in Ohio... I'll help!
WELCOME: Jenn, tdamess. and vzandt!

a- which state do you live in, would you be willing to contact with your state ALSA about us? Do you need a copy of a draft note to send?

b- are you willing to help guide other members of Pilot-1? Hollister and Shane may not be well enough to always be carrying the ball, so we need 2 more guiding lights...requires that you are reasonably good at organizing, communicating and follow up.? And you pretty much understand what path we hope to take

c- please tell everyone what experience, and skills you have..... 2 or 3 sentences are fine, Diane and we would like to build a list of volunteer "experts" not expert experts, just mildly expert. What have you done in the past that shows what skills you have?
Thank you so much for your help in this!

Our dream is: That all pals may live a longer life and see a cure!

Help make our dream come true!
Hello every body!

We want to start a campaign of letter writing to every ALS Association state by state. We have a draft letter to send you which you can personalize with your story. We will be sending them all at once, with also the signatures of the 3800 petitioners.

Our purpose is to get the ALSA national to get on board with compassionate early access to new drug treatments that have proven safe and effective. So far they have been deaf to us, so that is why a letter writing campaign all at once from every state may prove more effective.

Please let me know if you are interested.
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