Watching a tsunami...

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Clearwater AL

Extremely helpful member
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Aug 28, 2013
Get Real
Some may not realize but we are watching a Viewing Tsunami
coming at us.

TV Commercials. The less active we become, the more TV we watch…
me anyway.

On most cable TV programs we get an average of 8 to 12 minutes
of the program then 4 to 6 minutes of commercials or more.

A large part of the wave coming at us is pharmaceutical (medicine)
ads, You have to get your doctor to prescribe it… his/her cut off top
before the price of the meds. (If he/she is on their kick back scam helps).

Then if you listen to the end of the pitch, the possible side effects (one
mentions possible death) sound possibly worse than the symptom you
may be at least living with. I play Poker but I don’t play Craps… to
me that’s a roll of the dice. :) Oh yea, after 4 hours you may need to seek
immediate medical attention. That’s a hard situation to be in. :)

Then the insurance ads. Myself, I don’t want to put my insurance money
with an insurance company that washes over us with the stupidest,
senseless, ridiculous and repetitious ads over and over. And… with the
millions and millions of dollars they spend on those expensive TV ads,
I’d bet getting a claim paid would be like pulling a pitbull’s tooth.

And… the OTC supplement ads. One of those men’s supplements even
mentions you may need to seek medical attention after 4 hours. Geeze.
If you have a torn or deteriorated cartilage in your knee, shoulder or elbow
a rub on crème supposedly is going to make it down through the epidermis,
then the dermis and then the hypodermis relieving the pain at the cartilage.
Really? Oh yea, the Epidermis… “The Epidermis, the outermost layer of skin,
provides a waterproof barrier.” Hmmm…

The disclaimer at the bottom in fine print… “If the pain persists seek
medical attention”. Well, at least you bought their pitch $$ you end up
going to the Ortho doc anyway. More $$$ and prescriptions. $$.

The memory ads. Placebos… the power of the brain over itself.

That’s just three.

And the piercing audio over modulation... a guitar chord first, a kid crying,
a song or a car crash.

Finally. how did all the different programs on cable TV all agreed to go
to commercial break at the same time? You can wear out a remote trying
to beat ‘em.

I couldn’t cover it all… this came off Word as I had time.

Maybe some others can add more “irks” to the subject.
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roger that. and the cable news channels hold onto a story until one wants to vomit - or "ad nauseam" for those in polite society. you speak our thoughts, brother, but what's to be done other than not watching? there is pbs of course but it comes up short compared to old fashioned reporting of years ago. yes, now i am reflecting my age.
Sigh, so right Al. Unfortunately my husband picks up on all of these supplement ads. I am giving him multiple pills that are supposed to make him healthier. Then there's the laser hair rejuvenation seen on tv.
You could always try the continuous music channel 🎶🎶🎶.
IF you think TV is bad, try 🖥️ YouTube. They're not coordinated to every quarter hour😱. Blessings, B.😷
B, We're (Ann and I) are hooked on one satellite dish provider (not to give them an ad).
The one that has Sirius XM music channels. During the day we have those on for the
most part, Ann's Enlighten (the Christian music channel) on her TV in the living room
going through our stereo system and mine, in my man cave, going through my stereo.
I listen to the 50s & 60s channel, or click up for the 60s, click up for the 70s or 80s
And my other favorite... the Willie Nelson channel depending on my mood. :)
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