Walk to D'Feet ALS and fundraiser for Kathy

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Distinguished member
Mar 13, 2006
I'm not sure if it's okay to post fundraisers for just a person, but I figured I'd try. If it's not okay, I'm assuming the moderators of the site will delete this...which is fine with me...just please send me a personal message.

First of all, I'm captain of the team, Kathy's Circle, and we're walking to raise money for the ALS Association on September 30th in Minneapolis, MN. If interested in donating to the walk, visit www.alsmn.org, click on "Walk to D'Feet ALS" in the left margin, and follow the links to donate to someone on the team Kathy's Circle.

On October 26th, we are having a fundraising event for my sister Kathy who was diagonsed with ALS in February of 2006. More information about the event and also about Kathy can be found at www.KathysCircle.com. If anything, I encourage you to visit the site and read Kathy's Story...she writes about her reactions to having ALS.


Hi Marcia. I wouldn't think it was a problem. Even though it is a personal website the money is still going to ALS.

Hi Marcia:

Thank you for sharing your website with us. It is very well done and very touching.
I read Kathy's story and cried. What a beautiful person she is and so courageous.
I hope you are well.

I wish you good luck in your fundraising efforts.

Barb :)

Thank you so much! I think Kathy's just possibly the best thing here on this earth...but I'm probably a little biased! :-)

How's Gail doing? Where is she at in her progression? I wish all of you well in this whole battle! My prayers are with you!

progressing way too fast

Hi Marcia:

It sounds as if Gail and Kathy are at about the same rate of progression. Gail is using a walker all the time now. She is having alot of weakness in her arms and her right hand is so weak. She also thinks it might be starting in her throat, but we are not sure. She is progressing alot quicker than I expected. Her limitations seem to increase weekly. She is having trouble sleeping due to the jerking and cramping in her legs. As Kathy says, (and we say alot) THIS SUCKS!
We are trying to stay positive and laugh as much as we can. That is all we can do.

Gail's husband has set up a web site for her as well. You can check it out at :

www.cureals.ca Gail's website.

Another interesting site, is one by an American woman who is asking for just $1.00 from everyone to support Project ALS. I tripped upon it because it is almost the same web address as Gail's www.cureals.com

You gave me a few good ALS book ideas and I appreciated them. Here is one for you. "In Dreams" by Elizabeth Grandbois (it might say by Murray Mclaughlin) It is a well written book of poems and story of Elizabeth, who has been living with ALS for 8 years now. She has raised over 2 million dollars by organizing concerts. I am really enjoying it and the poems are very powerful.

Marcia, we are plugging along as best as we can with this. We cry alot and get angry and frustrated, but we truly treasure and enjoy every moment we spend together.

My thoughts are with you as well. Keep in touch when you can and please give my best to Kathy.

Barb :)
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