Voice banking

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Active member
Jun 25, 2015
Long Beach
How do you begin this process? What is the best option/product? Thanks for all your info in advance! I know I'm in good hands on this sight. I feel like the young kid on the block who knows nothing..yet! Blessings Alana:)
My BJ has done the voice banking, he started with a small sample of sentances which they email you, he found being in a small carpeted room gave less background noise, if the voice banking people are happy with the samples you send them , then they send you 1600 sentances to record. BJ did this over four sessions and then sent them back. He received his recordings a day later, fantastic service , do it now while your voice is at its best.
Love Gem
Who did you do the voice banking with Gem?

What a great service. That was such a hard thing for me to have Chris lose the ability to speak first. He was a mile-a-minute talker, he never used to shut up, and it was always mixed with lots of facial expressions, hand movements and laughter. All too soon, his facial muscles wasted, so no expressions, his arms weakened so no gesticulating, and no voice.
yea how do you git started on voice banking and does cost? love chally
I used modeltalker. It's a free download, you record the 1600 phrases and resulting voice sounds pretty good.
I used modeltalker. It's a free download, you record the 1600 phrases and resulting voice sounds pretty good.

Yep, this is the way to go!
You guys are a blessing as you are providing me with advance quality of life for me and Ed. I will research for the modeltalker today.
I wish we had that--but my honey's voice as already changing before diagnosis. I hear a recording of him recently and almost cried...I had forgotten his voice! please do it right a way for your family! they will thank you
>please do it right a way for your family! they will thank you

Ditto that!


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Oh Barbie, Tillie.that just breaks my heart...

Keep that recording safe Barbie, how precious...

God bless, Janelle x
BJ used model talker, it's free, it's a UK based programme. I will try and post a link. Excellent service. You do need a good microphone, we bought a head set to use.
Love Gem
i wish we had done this!
If you google ModelTalker .....one word and capital T it will take you to their site.
Love Gem
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