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Dec 21, 2018
Learn about ALS
Hello , first of all i wish everyone immediate health. My name is Özgür and im from Turkey. I came here to get some answers and to be honest im a little bit concerned. İ dont want to annoy anyone but this country doesn't have so much knowledge about this disease (apparently me neither but still scared).

i have gone through B12 and D vitamin tests and both came out awfully low (vitamin D: 7 ng/ml, B12: 200) and my thyroid level came out critical as well (its not working much). i could manage to swallow liquids and solids (for now), no tongue atrophy or fasucilations yet, i asked people around me about my speech and voice, they said its same and normal but since i read the symptoms i feel like i wouldnt have enough breath to complete a long sentence. Gag reflex is normal (i tested it many times).

Thing that bothers me is this throat problem. i have a very tight throat, feeling heavy and as if there is something there. i dont have to swallow to feel it, its kinda always there, like a material or lumb, whatever you want to call it. it even aches sometimes a little bit. When i chew things sometimes the part between my tongue and chin aches as well. Are pain, sensations in question for bulbar als? İ also went through a brain MRI and it came out clean. i read the report and its says that brainstem is healthy. İs it possible to diagnose bulbar als by brain MRI or atleast have an idea even if it couldnt diagnose %100? Because this is a brainstem disease right? Could these symptoms be caused by vitamin deficiency, thyroid or are they common for bulbar als? My arms and legs feel tired aswell and they ache sometimes. is it possible to have bulbar als and other kinds of als at the same time? By the way, someone called affected (her nick) mentioned something in a closed thread like this: "you are missing all the hallmark actual symptoms" What are they? What exactly happens at the beginning? i mean the beginning beginning, the first symptom. What makes you go to a doctor? As i said, i dont want to annoy anyone but i feel like i must get these answers. All answers will be appreciated.

Thank you
No you are not describing ALS bulbar or otherwise. We do not deacribe onset symptoms as it is very common for the worried to read and then develop them. It happens enough with Dr Google

All three of your issues taken individually can cause a myriad of symptoms that at first glance might seem neurological. Even with people who DO have ALS symptoms and signs on exam those levels would need to be corrected and a reassessment done.

I expect you will feel much better when these are fixed. It won’t be a quick process so give it time.

Best of luck
Thanks for the reply. i will be on my way then. i dont want to make anyone angry. i wish everyone luck and immediate health
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