Hello all dear friends and comrades at arms. I just want to say, YES at times we as loving PALS have to draw the probervial "line in the sand" as far as what is acceptible/what is not, acceptible care plans, etc. We have one resident (sweetheart, Springer Spaniel) & 4 cats. OUr home-health agencies were very clear on the screening of caregivers with and pet "issue".
YES ...... in our case we COULD have persued every single medical intervention that our excellent medical insurance would accept/afford. But, (IMO) to what end? "IT" (The Beast) was always
going to win, and the "WIN" would take it's toll as greater & greater suffering. Yes, possibly a longer lifespan, but a better lifespan ....... NO! So, we/I put up the good fight (& I was more than ready and willing to continue this fight), but I am glad neither Dave or I have to fight & pretend any longer. There was no good to this end, and we both knew that going in. BLESSINGS and a world full of support and love going out to all of you going thru this fight!