Now i've gotten everybody rowled up.......nothing like old uncle sam giving good citizens trouble.
I love america, it's the best country in the world...trust me, i've seen the world....(besides Canada..sorry my canadian friends..), but our lawmakers and our red tape, is geared towards giving to the un-needy.
Thanks jimercat, i've got Short term disab also. I would consider myself a lucky one, but everyone is not as fortunate as me and those that aren't, i will bend over backwards to help them, all they have to do is ask. I've been really poor before, working 3 jobs, on my own and have never forgotten where i came from.
it's amazing, we've always given to MDA, St. Judes childrens hospital and alot of other charities..i never dreamed, one day, it may be me on the receiving end, but, i've been able to make peace wiht myself.
Thanks to you guys (and gals) here, i'm am a better person today too. You've all helped me more than most people in my life. I consider you all friends, even though i've never met you all. I think we all feed off each other, it's the only way we know now.
You guys (and gals) need to get your pictures posted so we can put a face with the name. I have mine up, that's me and my boy in my boat, just back from a fishing trip. I will try to get one of my wife and baby girl up. They are my rocks!
take care all.....
god bless