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Hello People

Thank you for your support..... On Tuesday when I last posted we managed to get my stepdad transferred over to the correct hospital where they were able to clear his lungs a bit more, but one of them had collapsed by this stage...... He did not want invasive treatment and was able to communicate his wishes (Mouthing words and us lip reading with single sylable confirmation and blinking confirmations) to the doctors, nurses, and consultants at the hospital..... He was very unstable and the next day he deteriorated much further although communication was still possible. He was given a side room for privacy and family were able to visit and say goodbye, he spoke with his minister (whom he was close to) and his close friends were able to say goodbye whilst he was aware.

Just me & my Mum were with him and we shared special memories with him of holidays and family occassions from photo albums, he asked for music (rachmaninov 2nd piano concierto) flowers from the garden and for my mum to play him the guitar quietly, he passed peacefully and gently with the sun shining in the room and two little rainbows (from his water jug on the windowsill) dancing on the floor.

He was 46 and had been married for 7 years, and he had a baby step grandson whom he adored ...... We are very honoured to have met him.

This sounds a bit strange but he said that having MND showed him another side to people, that he saw more of the kindness in people around him that he had not realised before, I think because he had to rely on people more he was able to be open to people around him and he gained a lot from these new friendships. It is a lesson to us all to keep our hearts open, as our lives can become so busy that we forget the simple things.........

We are all very sad....... but he had dignity and respect and retained control over his mind and his soul to the end...... God Bless.......

Sorry to upset anyone..... but I felt it was important to share this and he was very special.

Dear MM--I was very sorry to read that your step dad had passed away. He was quite fortunate to have such loving people around him at the end, and to be able to die peacefully, with dignity, the way he wanted it. I wish you, your mother, and your family all the best as you cope with his passing--it can't be easy. Take care and be well!

My sincere condolences MM. Your stepdad sounds like he was a special man and will be missed. Take Care. AL.
Dear MM,
Thank you for sharing your story with us. I am sorry for your loss. It gives me peace to know that your step dad passd away with dignity and peacefully.
I pray for strength for you and your family during this hard time.
You can find comfort in knowing that you were a support to him. I am sure it helped him a lot.
Hugs, Leah
Mask Irritation

My apology, as new member I forgot to note the name of the generous person who shared tips about how to care for extreme mask irritation.

Thank you...I've copied for future reference.
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