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Jul 16, 2008
Learn about ALS

I'm sorry to post this here because you guys are dealing with real stuff here but I have a question to try to understand what my arm might feel like if I had Upper Motor Neuron symptoms.

My arm feels tight and it is actually larger around my wrist and hand than my other arm. My fingers/knuckles are large/swollen - the skin between my thumb and forefinger is thicker. I have some pain around the side of my thumb and wrist .

It's more diffucult for me to write because my fingers and hand are larger.

I don't think I have weakness in my arm per se but it does feel heavier.

Does this sound like what others have described?

Thanks so much if you reply.

No, Bob, What you're describing really does not sound like upper motor neuron to me anyway. When you say the skin between your thumb and finger is thicker, is this a thickness that anyone can notice, or just something you're aware of? Have you seen a rheumatologist? Good luck to you :)
Thanks Rose.

I would describe it as swollen more than thick - I can tell this because the creases in the skin lines in that area (along with my knuckles) are stretched thinner (not sure if I'm explaining it right).

It's my bicep that is bigger than my other arm - that is what worries me. I don't know if that is what "increased muscle tone" is or not when I read about this symptoms.

Just scared crapless (I've had a long ordeal with trying to figure out what's wrong with me - I posted my whole story in the "Do I have it..." forum so I wont' bore you here.

Any additional comments would be appreciated.


Sounds like gout to me see a GP
Pat 1
Thanks Pat - it's just there's no redness associated with my hand - I think if I had gout it would be red.

Thank you for the reply.
It could be gout. do you have any joint pain? when my dad developed sarcoidosis, over a brief period of time the swelling came on. they thought gout, then it spread every where. he was puffy on arms and legs, we were scared. he ended up in the hosp. and then they fond this. It settled in his lungs but his body swelled up. they got it under control with steroids.

have you seen a rheumy? I think it might be a good idea.
as for b/w your finger and thumb, i believe it gets smaller not bigger. mine has gotten smaller and looks caved in.

Good luck

Thanks April.

I think a rheum is probably next for me as you guys have suggested.

My concern is that I don't understand whether the "tightness" that I feel in my arm is this "hypertonia" that is described in literature as "increased muscle tone etc".

My hand/fingers are definately slightly swollen (or enlarged) overall with some localised discomfort and pain when I rub in certain joint/bone areas of my hand and wrist.

My bicep is definately slightly contracted - that worries me.
hello ddog

if the areas you are decribing look bigger they are probably swollen and would be a inflamatory condition even though its not red.
hypertonia/increased muscle tone goes along with muscle spasms and would cause stiffness of the muscles with maybe clonus if the muscles are in a spastic state.
i agree with everyone else,see a rheumatologist first to rule out inflamitory/autoimune deseases out.
take good care
Thanks Olly.

That's one if my areas of confusion regarding hypertonia...

My forearm, hand and upper arm is definately slightly enlarged (swollen but with no obvious edema).

So, I think what I'm hearing is that hypertonia doesn't usually include swelling(enlargement) as a symptom (although I guess it probably could).


no it would not cause swelling,if it did most pls'ers would look like the mitchellin man lol
take care
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