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Jun 18, 2017
Learn about ALS
Hello again, my previous thread is now closed but i wanted to make an update as to my current situation.

Since my last post I have had an ultra sound of my shoulder which showed inflammation and fluid and was diagnosed with tendinitis and bursitis; I am currently awaiting physiotherapy.

My twitching gets ever worse accompanied by buzzing sensations in all limbs and abdomen.

I have been referred back to my neurologist by my GP for a further assessment, in an attempt to reassure me, but this appointment is not until November. I saw my GP again 2 weeks ago, all reflex were normal and no concerns with basic strength tests.

I now have a feeling of “jelly legs”, worse on the right side and the muscles in my right thigh and around my knee feel tight and stiff, hard to describe but it makes my leg feel difficult to use. I can, however, still use it, although it seems to take more effort.

When I use my limbs, both arms and legs, I get increased twitching, mild electric shock type sensations and aching pains. I also frequently get a mild pins and needles sensations in feet and hands. I realise that these sensations are unlikely to be MND/ALS.

I am continuing my CBT sessions and have made contact with Anxiety UK in an attempt to address my underlying anxiety. I am struggling to believe all of this is caused by anxiety but am willing to accept that possibility as it seems to be the opinion of most doctors that I see.

I will not post again until I have more results, but would very much appreciate any comments as to whether my new symptoms are of concern. I would like to know this as I have limited means but will find the money for a private neurologist appointment should this prove necessary as November is so far off.

Thank you again for reading this, your responses are very much appreciated as GPs do not seem to be at all knowledgeable about this awful disease.

I reiterate that I will not post again until I have had a further neurological assessment.

Many thanks.

You were told by a moderator to only post back when you have a diagnosis. Since you do not have one, nor will you ever as you have absolutely ZERO ALS symptoms, I wonder what continuously draws you to this disease and this forum.

Lizzy, you do not have ALS, I am sorry to tell you. Your tests and doctors have repeatedly told you and your lack of ALS symptoms back this up. You really need to move on and work on your anxiety. It is ruining your life. What you are doing now is not working for you, so you need to find an alternative way to deal with what is going on. You need to give CBT more time and stop doubting very qualified individuals who have told you repeatedly that you do not have this horrible disease.

Be grateful for not having ALS and move on and let it go.
Mod note: thread closed per previous.
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