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Claire - I grealty appreciate your response and thank you taking the time to provide more information.

If i may ask one more question - can you let me know how the pain you described occur during your diagnostic process? The reason I ask is I have constant ear and tongue pain on my right side, along with leg and foot pain. You mentioned you were in pain as well. Could you let me know any details on that?
Please note that Claire did note that she had weakness, with slurring of speech. My husband also had bulbar onset and he too started with slurred speech. You have not described any failure, only sensory issues. Additionally, you have had these symptoms for a year and it has not progressed. Please note that the previous poster said that she has progressed to being unable to speak during this time. You have been examined by doctors who have indicated that this is not ALS. It is time to work with them and find out what else might be causing your symptoms but they are still not indicative of ALS.
Best wishes to you.
First of all he is a she and my name is Claire and I have ALS, I was diagnosed one year ago by a neuro/vascular specialist at the University of Pennsylvania following an EMG. What else would you like to know?
Thank you Claire. Specific to the point Codyclan made, I know there are differences in the symptoms you dealt with early on and my symptoms over the past 10 months. I think my main question was to understand the pain aspect that you described. Was it constant early on, along with the weakness/slurred speech? If so , could you possibly offer any details on how that developed? Thanks for any information you can provide.
Nice to meet you, Claire. I'm sorry you find yourself here, but welcome nonetheless. This an informative and helpful bunch. In reference to Jric80's thread, we are merely clarifying for him, as he's worried himself for no reason, that your and his symptom onset are not all the same. You had progressive weakness and now cannot breath on your own at night, speak, etc. Jric has had nothing at all fail and he's been cleared of ALS three times.

Jric, please work with your doctor going forward. This is not a general health forum, it is a forum for those with ALS. A disease you definitely, 100% DO NOT HAVE!!!! Enough already; it's time to let it go and move on. Sheesh... quit mining and cherry picking for symptoms.

Go speak to a counsellor if you need to but drop the ALS subject. You don't have it so please be grateful.
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