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New member
Jan 16, 2016
Hello everybody
Thank you for the possibility to ask spezific questions about my symptomes.
I can t imagine what you are going through. Thank you for your time!
Since 2013 strange symptomes startet on my dominant side of my body:
dropping small things daily, shoulder sank down, beginning footdrop, artikulation problems r/s, 3 falls, muscle cramps: calves, intercostal, pelvis, abdomen and very light faszikulations. I have a constant very slow progression. Symptomes have startet on the left side 2015.
I had a diagnostic physiotherapy how confirmed the weakness,
MRI, NLG, Muscle biopsy, blood tests,all normal, EMG in one muscle was clean.
My Gp says my problems are neurological. He saw the atrophy on my shoulder, leg, arm and between the thumb and the index finger.I saw 2 neurologists. They ruled out MS, MMN cervikal problems, borreliose.
I asked them if they can rule out MND. The answer is scaring: you now there is no test, progression will show.
Why cant they rule out MND with a clean emg (2014)?
Should I see again the neurologist?
I am 50 years old, live in switzerland. Sorry for my english.
Thank you
The way the brain and body coordinate to make muscles move is complicated. After your brain decides to move a muscle, a signal from the Upper Motor Neuron in the brain is sent to a Lower Motor Neuron in the brain stem, and the LMN sends a signal to the muscle.

True ALS affects both UMN and LMN.

An EMG only tests the LMN. That's why the EMG can't rule out MND. So the doctor uses clinical examination to test the UMN.
thank you for your answers
As far as I understand my clinical symptoms are LMN? I have normal reflexes, very little stiffness on my right foot. In the raport of the neurologist it says central cause/ happening not ruled out ( UMN?).

I havent been to the clinic you mentioned, it was a local one with a muscle centre.
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