My husband was just diagnoised with ALS. He went to a ALS Clinic and was run through 5 hours of testing. He has had outburst of uncontrollable laugher and crying. He has a very hard time swallowing liquids, even his own medicine for his emotions (which is a liquid.) We don't know what to do about that because they claim its a very new medicine and it doesn't come in pill form. It smells like something you would rub on sore muscles. My question is, he is showing no signs of muscle weakness in his arms or legs, his problems are all in his tongue, swallowing and speech. He has some twitching in the top part of his arms and chest, has anyone here heard of ALS controlling the body in this manner. I only read about it affecting the bottom half of the body first? Am I still not believing this is happening or is it just affecting my husband in a different way? Please respond!