UMN Presentation?

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Active member
Dec 23, 2008
I realize that typical ALS will present itself with weakness on one side.

with Bulbar/UMN, will the cramping and weakness also present itself on one side first? Also, will the weakness start out in say a finger and move it's way up/out?

Thanks and God Bless.
I was not aware of any weakness until after I was diagnosed, my nuero said I had some but I did not notice it for a while. My muscles ache, then I feel the weakness, my major weakness started in my legs, found it difficult to climb steps or stairs, now my upper arm muscles are painfull and my strength is going in my arms, but long before that, my speech got bad, almost to the point of no speech at all now
Thanks for the reply Jennifer.

Your first symptoms was loss of voice?

Was it painful to speak or just difficult?

Did you experience cramping at all?

Thanks and God bless you moving forward.
Jules45, you are posting like a Gatling gun. Just relax, there is nothing to be learned from the way symptoms progressed in others...
I think you may get a cramp from all the posting! LOL
jules45 slurred speech was first. increased swallow whilst talking, liquids spurting outof my mouth and lots of yawning,,,I did have a little cramp but nothing out of the ordinary...Iagree with some of the others, you have put a lot of questions on the forum, you sound like you are in panic...understandable if you have als, but you should see a doctor and listen to them.
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