hello everyone.
i started with umn symptoms in may 1999(odd symptoms before like falling over and dropping things but may the painfull spasms started)
i was first sent to a rheumatologist who said that all the tests were fine,by this time i started with weakness and was sent to neurology.
my neuro noticed clinical weakness in my left lower leg that at that time had footdrop.
after several years of continuous tests,mri,s to rule out ms them multi system/cerebeller atrophy it only left mnd.
it was a couple of years ago a younger neuro i saw as mine was away did a test no one else has done,he positioned while layed on the clinic bed my legs in a certain position with knees slightly bent.
then he stroked down the inside foot toe to heel,my right leg was ok but my left lower leg just went beserk quivering.
it was so funny really as the neuro was in awe and said to the nurse stood behind me to look,he kept doing it and both of the stood there ooing and aaring.
i was used to being prodded and poked so thought nothing of it and did not ask what was the matter.
then a few months later at the rehab centre the doctor said i had hypotonia/loss of contraction in my left lower leg,i did not react to the statement as i did not have a clue.
he got agitated and explained it to me,even then i was like ok.
just over a year ago when i was finally diagnosed with mnd i asked my neuro about this but he was reluctant to answer.
so how long has the lmn been there? thats anyone guess.
at my last visit my neuro said my progression has been slow and that is all that matters.
i have had fassics in certain places months after i got ill starting in my left lower leg,now they are in the right.
certain areas like my left foot,upper arms/shoulders there is muscle loss ,i had fassics there too.
just stiffness/weakness in my right hand with some muscle loss around the thumb/hand part,i have had trouble with things like tv remotes,buttons for a while before noticing the muscle loss.
i have weakness but not to the point i can not move a certain part at all.
possibility of mnd was mentioned to me some years ago but i dismissed it thinking it could not possibly be that.
it was only after diagnosed and joining this forum i began to truly understand this desease.
i have alot to be thankfull for despite this, so i just concentrate on daily life .
sorry for going on lol,explaining ones medical history takes time.