Twitching temporalis muscle

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Sep 4, 2018
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Hello. I have read the sticky, but wanted to ask a more specific question. My temporalis muscle has been twitching for a month now. Is it possible for bulbar to start in this region?
Thank so much

Have you been to see a doctor about your concerns? You will have read in the sticky that twitching, absent any other symptoms, could mean anything from nothing, to jaw clenching and tension, etc, etc. and also contains a request you see a doctor first before assuming a terminal disease based on twitching alone.

Please take care.
No, I am not able to see my GP for several weeks. My anxiety is definitely getting the better of me and I cannot stop worrying about bulbar onset ALS. My husband says I do grind my teeth in my sleep
Sounds like time to visit a dentist for a bite guard.
I am worried because the twitching is so focal. It's stopping me from sleeping as my head is thumping away like an erratic pulse against the pillow. It would be an unlikely presentation though, wouldn't it?
Hello- please make sure to read the link provided. We placed it at the top of this subforum so we didn't have to keep repeating about twitching being very common and for people to check with their doctors first before assuming a terminal disease. While it must be very distracting and worrying to you, the folk here would not think ALS.

Please visit with your doctor if you need further reassurance.
Thank you for your reply. I do appreciate it. I've googled myself into this hole. I keep reading that twitching can be the first symptom.
In advance of your appointment, you could at least check your pulse and blood pressure. As for the notion that twitching can be the first sign...think how common twitching is and how relatively rare ALS is. If you are really concerned, video the twitching and show it in a telehealth appointment.
Please seek medical assistance.
We can't help further as we have given you a lot of detailed information and reassurance.
Only a doctor can help now and I wish you the best in returning to full health.
Hi. I saw my dentist who said he has never heard of twitching caused by teeth grinding and seemed concerned. I have just one question. Can ALS start with twitching in the temporalis muscle? It is two months since it started and I have become afraid to eat as it sets it off. Please would someone be so kind as to just answer this one question. Many thanks
I have never heard of ALS beginning in that muscle, let alone staying confined to it for two months.

I presume you will be seeing your GP soon. You might also try for a telehealth consultation with a PT, PCP or ENT if you cannot get in soon. The PCP or ENT might be able to prescribe medication to help the twitching. You could also try low heat and gentle massage in that area. Since that is a muscle involved in chewing, and you grind your teeth, it seems very possible still that there is a relationship esp. if the grinding is long-term. I trust you got the process started for a night guard.

All in all, it continues even more strongly to seem a very localized problem and nothing to do with ALS, a systemic neuromuscular disease.
Thank you for your reply. I should add, it hasn't been twitching the entire time. It will go for maybe be 36 hours, then be quiet apart from a few pops, then off it goes again. At least, I don't *feel* it all the time. Though often I will put my fingers there and be surprised it's busy pulsing away like a rapid, erratic heart beat.

My GP knows I have health anxiety, so he tends not to take anything I say very seriously. He definitely wouldn't refer me to a neurologist. I have had eye twitches on that side before, but they don't scare me like this weird temple twitch.
Truly, twitching alone means nothing.
I think we have answered as well as we can as we can't see and examine you and we are not doctors.
Your doctor is the key to getting you back to health.
A weird temple twitch is not how ALS starts. Please don't think you doctor doesn't care just because he won't pander to every scary thing you come up with. He is more likely trying to keep you within the limits of what is likely to be going on.
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