twitching questions

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Distinguished member
Jan 14, 2007
has anyone here had twithing in the hands that would make your thumb move mine twithes between the thumb and finger in the bend and when it twithes my thumb will move back and forth?
oh yes and im still haveing twithing in all limbs still.
I assumed that was common. My toes do it too. If it happens when I am wearing shoes, it feels like something buzzing in my shoe. I figure, Zac, that there are a lot more symptoms you and I will be feeling as time goes by, so I've been thinking up nicknames to describe some of them. My family knows that if I say my hands are buzzing it means the fingers are moving against each other. If I say my muscles are mis-firing, it means a big muscle like my calf or thigh is fasciculating. "Muscles screaming" means get me tylenol for the cramps, preferably with a glass of merlot to toss them down! :-D
Hi Zac

Oh yes! Sometimes my thumb starts moving around like it's possessed! I think it's pretty common.
hey cindy i dont keep up with aloty of the psstr since i work alot and go out of town to see the kids so i was wondering did you ever get a diagnosed?
Yes my thumb will do that alot it moves up and down and sideway and sometimes it will get stiff and painful .Pat
Hi Guys. So you are actually saying your thumbs move about on their own? I would see the muscle quiver under the skin but never have had the whole thumb move on it's own. AL.
hey al i can see the muscle in the bend of it move up and down are contract and when it does it moves the whole thumb side to side.
Al- yes, my fingers move on their own and so do my toes. I think it is because they are small digits and when a muscle twitches the toe goes along for the ride. Just my guess.

Zac - no DX yet but I go back for another EMG on Tuesday. I have new symptoms to report but am beginning to realize they might still be of the mild category so I'm not hopeful for a DX yet.

You said you go out of town to see the kids...What fun! Tell us a little more about them.

hey cindy my kids are great my daughter just turned 11 and my son 9 they are so active its really hard to keep up with them.they are ready for me to move back home.i go to the neru tommorrow and i have desided to tell him to go ahead and do the test he thinks he needs to do im leaving my job in 6 weeks and ill loose my insurance but ive desided if it is als thers not much that i can do about it and if it is then its going to be bublar onset because of the swallowing so im gonna spend as much time with them as i can.they say bublar onset will take you pretty quick so i cant think of anything more in the world id rather do than spend time with them.
Your kids are at some great ages, Zac. I bet they keep you on the run! I can see where you would want to spend as much time as possible with them. Be careful about making long-term decisions until you know for sure what is going on. Just a little advice from your pal over here! I read somewhere - perhaps even on this forum - where people have made huge life decisions that turned out not to fit the DX they finally were given.
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